Why is Master Hugh's conversion to Christianity a deeply ironic event, in Douglass's eyes? a. Hugh spends hours each day praying so that he becomes known among his friends as a model of piety.
b. Hugh invites preachers to stay at his house and has his slaves wait on them.
c. Rather than agreeing that his slaves should learn to read so that they can read scripture, Hugh tells his wife not to teach Douglass to read.
d. Rather than being moved by Christian teachings to kindness and mercy, Hugh uses religion to justify his actions against his slaves.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is C, rather than agreeing that his slaves should learn to read so that they can read scripture, Hugh tells his wife not to teach Douglass to read'. 

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B. i have a feeling it'll be Africa again before then.
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B. I have a feeling it'll be Africa again before then.

A writer uses foreshadowing when they give an advance hint of what is going to happen, what is going to come later in the story; this helps the reader develop expectations about the future events of a story. The above lines in an example of foreshadowing because the "I have a feeling" phrase creates the expectation in us that an event that involves Africa will take place soon.

From what I know about foreshadowing, I would have to say B.

Define the word rational



A calm and logical negotiator has or exercises reason, excellent judgment, or good sense. having or characterized by complete control over one's reason; sane; clear: The patient looked to be quite logical. rational creatures: beings equipped with the power of reason.

based on or in accordance with reason or logic. It means to be reasonable about something.

Explain whether the creation of Election Day improved the election process for Americans


The creation of Election Day improved the election process for Americans

What is Election Day?

In order to vote in Tuesday's midterm elections, millions of Americans will have to accommodate their work schedules.

This may mean heading to the polls early in the morning, taking an extended lunch break, or traveling later in the evening in the hopes of arriving before the polls close. Many of them may be wondering why the US votes on Tuesdays of all days while they wait in line.

Learn more about  Election  at



Many of the millions of Americans voting in Tuesday’s midterm elections will have to do so while working around the demands of their jobs – hitting their polling places before work, taking an extra-long lunch break or going afterward and hoping to make it before the polls close. As they stand in line, many of them may wonder why it is that the United States votes on a Tuesday, of all days. (To be fair, more than 38 million Americans already have voted early in person, by mail or by absentee ballot, according to a tally maintained by University of Florida political scientist Michael McDonald.)

The first law designating Election Day as the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November was passed back in 1845. At the time, every state except South Carolina was choosing its presidential electors by popular vote, and had considerable flexibility in deciding when to hold its elections. But as transportation and communications links between the states improved, concern grew that later-voting states could be influenced by the results in earlier-voting ones. (As the Congressional Globe wrote, paraphrasing one congressman’s remarks, “The object of this bill was to guard against frauds in the elections of President and Vice President, by declaring that they shall all be held on the same day.”)

But why November, and why on a Tuesday? As a State Department explainer from 2008 put it, back then the U.S. was a predominantly agrarian society. November made sense because it was after farmers were done with their harvest, but before hard winter weather that could make it difficult for them to get to town to vote. And since traveling by horse over unimproved roads could take a while, lawmakers wanted to avoid making their constituents travel to or from the polls on a Sunday (widely considered a day of rest and worship, not politicking).

The U.S. is one of only nine OECD nations that have weekday voting in the 21st century, however, America’s election schedule makes it an outlier among advanced industrial democracies. A Pew Research Center analysis finds that 27 of the 36 member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development hold their national elections on the weekend, while two others (Israel and South Korea) hold elections on weekdays but make those days national holidays so economic hardship won’t be a barrier to electoral participation.

There have been repeated proposals in the U.S. over the years to either move Election Day to the weekend or make it a federal holiday, on the grounds that doing so would boost turnout. A recent Pew Research Center poll found bipartisan majority support for the idea: 71% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents and 59% of Republicans and GOP leaners said they would support making Election Day a national holiday. But while proposals to do that have periodically been introduced in Congress, none have gotten very far.

A handful of states give employees Election Day offElection Day is, however, a paid holiday in 13 states, at least for state employees (though Kentucky state workers only get the day off in presidential-election years); in New Mexico, state workers are allowed two hours of paid administrative leave to vote. Many states require employers to give their workers time off to vote; in some states, such as New York and California, workers can’t be docked any pay for taking time off to vote. And many employers, from outdoor clothing company Patagonia to restaurant chain Cava, have taken it upon themselves to give their workers paid time off to vote this year.


Which of the following is a true statement about weight loss


Weight loss is sweating and working and work out for an hour or two and you can run on a treadmill and before you know it you will burn a few calories :)

take in calories that you will burn or just work out a lot.

i cannot wait to see this movie. the main character is played by my favorite actress. which sentence expresses the same idea in a complex sentence?


One possible complex sentence that conveys the same idea as the simple sentence "I cannot wait to see this movie. The main character is played by my favorite actress" is: Since my favorite actress is playing the main character, I am eagerly anticipating seeing this movie.

In this complex sentence, the initial subordinate clause "Since my favorite actress is playing the main character" adds more information about why the speaker is excited to see the movie. This clause implies that the actress's presence in the film is a significant factor in the speaker's anticipation.

The main clause "I am eagerly anticipating seeing this movie" expresses the same idea as the simple sentence, but with more detail and emphasis. It emphasizes the speaker's excitement and anticipation for the movie, which is further reinforced by the phrase "eagerly anticipating."

Overall, this complex sentence conveys a more nuanced and descriptive account of the speaker's anticipation for the movie by including additional information and emphasizing the speaker's enthusiasm.

To learn more about the complex sentence: brainly.com/question/14908789


The tension we see between the two young people and Okeke in “Marriage Is a Private Affair” __________.is common only in Nigeria where the story is set
is unique to that particular area of Nigeria
reflects situations found only in African cultures
reflects human experience around the world


Answer: reflects situations found only in African culture

The story Marriage is a Private Affair, is a story of two lovers from different tribe in Nigeria. Nene and Nnaemeka loved each other however Nnaemeka is from Ibo and in their culture he must marry a girl from Ibo chosen by his father. The tension between Okeke and Nnaemeka started when Nnaemeka refused to marry the girl his father chose for him. 

reflects human experience around the world