What is the last word of Keesh?


Answer 1
Answer: I believe the last word of keesh is dignity.

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a. ten syllables divided into pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables. This is often vocalized as "dee-DUM dee-DUM dee-DUM dee-DUM dee-DUM." Iamb=consisting of one unstressed syllable followed by stressed syllable. Pent=five. Meter=meter.


A. Ten syllables divided into pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables


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And tall and of a part in air.

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Taking the whole poem into account, I think the correct answer must be C.

The jar is a small, common, impersonal object, but in Stevens' view, it affects the nature, depriving it of its inherent wilderness. Although it is one of a thousand, it still has the power and dominion over nature. Its meaningless existence leaves a negative trail in this world. If the jar was regarded as faceless a person living in a highly commercialized, industrialized world, and the nature as freedom, the parallel would be all the more effective. 

Which idea is expressed in this excert from "Anecdote of the Jar" by Wallance Stevens?

C.Nature is not able to fourish because the jar is on the hill

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I'd say the correct answer is B, because 'in the desert is part of the subject/noun 'canyon', and modifies it, that is, refers to it, describes it in more detail. 

Can someone please proof read my discussion? It's for Comp 2, I just want to make sure it flows or of any changes I should make before I turn it in :) I’ve found a lot of new ways to look at life in the past year. Like Fink, I’ve found a different place to sit to help me see the full picture better.
I have an extensive list of interests, so many things truly captivate me in their beauty, complexity, and the feeling they evoke. Unfortunately, most of those things aren't of interest to others, and I've always found myself in a never-ending cycle of faking and suppressing my feelings in order to please others. Until recently, I had suppressed several of my old hobbies. I've discovered an incredible amount of peace and contentment in simply sitting, without thinking at all, and enjoying everything that brings me joy outside of others. But finding tranquility isn't exactly what I'm writing about; the journey taught me a lot about myself and life that I wouldn’t have learned any other way. I've seen a side of the world that I would never have seen otherwise, I've learned adaptability, and I've been able to push myself to do things I've always been afraid of. I've also realized that I was the source of my own misery, and I can now strive to do better in the future.

I was upset about the time I'd "wasted" for a while, and I had to take a different seat to embrace how much I'd learnt. As someone who likes to believe everything happens for a reason, something about fink’s words “On that sunny March afternoon in the bleachers, I understood. God expected Adam and Eve to eat the apple” (Fink 6) , really spoke to me and brought me back this special time.



I love this. I think you compare your life to other things and bring them together. I think you go really deep with how you have changed yourserlf now from how you acted the past year and i think you should go for it and turn it in!!


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ıdk what u meant ı think this can help u.

Winston Churchill made the speech in the passage to the House of Commons (the elected wing of the British parliament) shortly after he took office in 1940, during World War II. Which audience does the passage most likely target? A. Citizens of great Britain B. Churchill's political opponents
C. members of the previous government
D. leaders of countries fighting against Britain


The speech titled We Shall Fight on the Beaches is addressed to the people of Great Britain. In this speech, Churchill describes great military disaster and possible Nazi invasion. Despite difficulties, he was cheerful and hailed the nation towards the victory in the end.

"Citizens of great Britain" is the audience among the choices given in the question that the passage most likely target. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "A". I hope that this is the answer that has actually come to your desired help.