What are the important industries in the Ozarks?


Answer 1
Answer: Important industries in the Ozarks include;

1. Mining, the Ozarks contain many deposits of lead ore, zinc ore, iron ore and barite ore.

2. The area also supports cattle ranching and dairy farming.

3. Some of the areas within the Ozarks contain oil, which has lead to oil exploration and extraction.

4. Both hardwood and softwood timber logging takes place in the Ozarks, the predominant wood is oak-hickory.

5. Tourism is the most recent industry to take place in the Ozarks, due to the vast forests, rivers and lakes. The Ozarks offer hunting, fishing and water sports.

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Write a unit rate for the situation 270 miles in 6 hours


45/1 because 270 divided by 6= 45 so the answer is 45 or 45/1
270/6= 25/1 u just divide 270 by 6 to get ur unit rate

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First, let's analyze the words.

Aviary : a place to confine birds
Birds : The animal that is being confined in the aviary

Best on the analyzation, the best analogy would be something like :
Apiary : a place to confine bees
Bees : The animal that is being confined in the apiary

Hope this helps

adjectives tell what kind how many or which one supply an adjective describing the opposite noun example (red)rose .red is an adjective ​



Bright night


Night is depicted as dark but the adjective "bright" depicts the opposite. That's what you were asking for right?

Hi, please, help me. I'm french.Thank you very much

My ancestors: a project by Ben Winterhayes, Applewood School, Sydney, New South
I am very proud of one of my ancestors, John Winterhayes. He arrived on a ship from
England in 1820. He was a criminal! Well, not exactly a criminal. This is his story:
John was born in London. His father died when he was 13 years old. His family were
very poor and often hungry. One cold winter’s day, he stole some food in the market
because he was very hungry.
John was caught and brought before a magistrate. In those days the British used to send
their prisoners to Australia. New South Wales was a prison colony and John was sent
there for seven years.
At that time the journey to Australia was very difficult. The journey took at least three
There were often bad storms and there wasn’t much food for the prisoners. Sometimes
the weather was very hot and sometimes very cold. The prisoners were often sick and
sometimes died before they arrived in Australia.
My ancestor John never returned to England again. He never saw his mother, or his
little brothers and sisters, again. But he met a girl called Heather MacMaster and they
got married in Sydney in 1830.
That’s the story of one of my ancestors!

Read the story of Ben’s ancestor.
John Winterhayes wrote a letter to his mother when he arrived in New South Wales.
Imagine the letter he wrote to her. You must mention:

his feelings when he left England
how long the journey took
the weather, the food, other problems
his feelings during the journey
arriving in Australia.
Don’t forget to start and end the letter correctly


Dearest Mother,

I hope this letter finds youwell.

I would like to extend myapologies. I deeply regret the heartaches I have caused you. I am very sorryfor making you suffer for my misdeeds. It grieves me that I am no longer thereto assist you in taking care of our family. I hope and pray that the time willcome when I will be able to see you again; you and my siblings.

I have finally arrived inAustralia! After spending three grueling months at sea, I am here.

Our voyage was fraught withdifficulties. Weather conditions were unpredictable. Sometimes, very hot; othertimes, very cold. We encountered bad storms. We endured hunger and sickness dueto the shortage of food. A number of our companions died at sea. I felt veryhopeless during those times; fearing that I, too, will die at sea. But, by thegrace of God, I have survived.

Mother, I met someone here inAustralia. Her name is Heather MacMaster. She is a very delightful girl. Shegives me hope; the hope to live a prosperous life here. I love her, mother, andI want to marry her. I hope that there will come a day when we will see eachother again, and I can introduce you to one another; the mother, who gave melife; and the woman, who makes my life worth living.

From feeling lost and hopeless, Iam now very happy. I am looking forward to hearing from you and learning moreabout what is happening there in your side of the world.

Please write to me,mother. This is the only way I can reach you.

Your loving son,

Ben Winterhayes

‘ Item r Th q fl r la > on Sana 77 , Is 9 do is W 5 ‘


A. Their. They're is like they are. There is like a place. Their is a person's
it would be a because thier is showing ownership so you own your eye

What is the outline of an argumentative essay? Can you also please provide an example of a claim?


pg 1:
background info on a topic, then claim (ex. cheese is the superior dairy food)
pg 2:
provide a fact, or quote, supporting your claim and then explain it in further detail. (ex. cheese is popular, and used in various dishes universally. the sheer popularity proves superiority of cheese.)
pg 3: repeat pg 2 with a different fact
pg 4:
be on the offense for the opposing argument. state a negative fact about it and explain into further detail. (yogurt is nasty, and reviews suggest that the majority of people don’t like the taste or texture. yogurt does that have the same popularity cheese has, proving is inferiority.) acknowledge other claims and defend your own.
pg 5:
summarize your thesis. wrap up any other points you may have, and leave the reader with a thought/feeling