What is the main factor that gives San Jose de Costa Rica its mild climate?Latitude


Answer 1
Answer: San Jose, the capital of Costa Rica, boasts the best weather in the country are due to the altitude which varies from 2,000 feet to 5,00 feet above sea level. At this elevation, the weather is cooler than at sea level. San Jose also benefits from cooling ocean and mountain breezes.

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This question is based on Listening Comprehension CD 4L, Side A/Track 1, the last story. This story is repeated as the first story on Side B/Track 2.Who chases the wolf away?

A. more wolves
B. the master
C. Sirco
D. the baby


Im not sure which one it is but its definitely not more wolves. just took the test and got it wrong


Im not sure either but its not more wolves or the baby so its either the master or Sirco


La madre quiere que sus hijos _______ todas las verduras. (comer)comen



The right answer is, Coman.

* La madre quiere que sus hijos coman todas las verduras.


Because the verb to conjugate within the sentence is "eat", therefore we must identify the number of the grammatical person, to be able to conjugate it logically and have concordance with what you want to express.




Este es dos niños. Comen means they are eating.

Write the Spanish translations to the following sentences. My kitchen is bigger than your kitchen. My bedroom is smaller than your bedroom. My house is better than your house.


The correct translation of the sentences in each case, using Comparatives in Spanish, is:

  • Mi cocina es más grande que tu cocina.
  • Mi habitación es más pequeña que tu habitación.
  • Mi casa es mejor que tu casa.

Comparative of superiority in Spanish.

The comparative of superiorityis done in order to indicate that a noun is better in a mentioned characteristic than another noun. Its structure in Spanish is usually:

  • Noun + conjugated "ser" + más + adjective + que + noun.

However, there are some exceptions, such as the case where words like "peor" or "mejor," where it is not necessary to use the word "más" or the adjective.

If you want to learn more about Comparatives in Spanish, you can visit the following link: brainly.com/question/12279325?referrer=searchResults

Mi cocina es mas grande que tu cocina.

Mi cuarto es mas pequeno que tu cuarto.

Mi casa es mejor que tu casa.

1.Marcos__ (estudiar,imperfect progressive) cuando llegue a su casaA.estaba estudiando
B.estoy estudiando
D. Estudio

2. Ellos ___ (jugar, imperfect progressive) futbol caundo se lastimaron.
A. Jugaban
C. Estaban jugando
D.estan jugando


The answers are:
1- A
2- C

De los siguientes verbos identifica el verbo que es irregular y cambia en la forma "yo" en tiempo pretérito perfecto: A.) mover

B.) comenzar




b is the answer to your question




These four questions are confusing me. I have to respond using the appropriate conjugation.Después de salir con tus amigos, ¿a qué hora vuelves a casa?
¿Duerme mucho tu perro (u otro animal)?
¿Prefieren ir tus amigos a la piscina o a la playa?
¿Almuerzas más en restaurantes o en casa?


1. Yo vuelvo a mi casa a las 7 de la noche
2. No, mi perro no duerme mucho porque a el le gusta jugar
3. Yo prefiero ir a la playa con mis amigos
4. Yo almuerzo más en casa que en un restaurante.

i hope it helped