What were two television programs in the '80s that made a farce of traditional family life? The Cosby Show Married...With Children The Odd Couple Roseanne


Answer 1
Answer: It was primarily "Married...With Children" and "The Odd Couple" that made a farce of traditional family life, since they broke away from the typical "happy" family model. 
Answer 2

Its Married With Children



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AP US History question:Choose TWO of the following organizations and explain their strategies for advancing the interests of workers. To what extent were these organizations successful in achieving their objectives? Confine your answer to the period from 1875 to 1925. Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Socialist Party of America, Industrial Workers of the World


All of these organizations sought to protect organized labor after the industrialization of America had led to dangerous working conditions for many workers. They were mostly succesfull, in at least bringing attention to these issues.

Final answer:

The Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor (AFL) were two organizations that championed the interests of workers between 1875 and 1925. The Knights of Labor aimed to unite all workers, but internal divisions and loss of public support led to their decline. In contrast, the AFL focused on organizing skilled workers and achieved significant success through negotiations with employers.


Knights of Labor: The Knights of Labor was founded in 1869 and aimed to unite all workers, regardless of skill or occupation. They advocated for an eight-hour workday, equal pay for women, and the abolition of child labor. While they experienced initial success, such as the successful 1886 Haymarket Riot in Chicago, internal divisions and the loss of public support led to their decline by the early 20th century.

American Federation of Labor (AFL): Founded in 1886, the AFL focused on organizing skilled workers through craft unions. They sought improvements in working conditions, wages, and the right to collectively bargain. The AFL achieved significant success by negotiating with employers and securing better working conditions and higher wages for its members.

Socialist Party of America: Established in 1901, the Socialist Party aimed to achieve workers' rights through political and legislative means. They ran candidates for political offices and advocated for worker-centered policies such as unemployment insurance and public ownership of industries. While they gained some support and elected officials, they faced significant opposition in an era of anti-socialist sentiment and didn't achieve their ultimate objectives.

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW): Founded in 1905, the IWW embraced a radical approach to workers' rights, advocating for class struggle and the overthrow of capitalism. They organized workers across industries and demographics, including women and immigrants. While they faced repression from employers and the government, the IWW played a significant role in labor movements, particularly during strikes in industries like mining and agriculture. However, internal conflicts and government repression contributed to their decline after World War I.

Learn more about workers' organizations here:



What do you think were the most significant legacies of this period of nomadic empires? How did these people change history?


Nomadic Empires contributed well in information dissemination and cultural assimilation in different parts of the world. They were able to change history because of the different stories they share and the culture that they relate to people. Aside from these, the trade of produce and services were brought to different parts of the world with ease and with the added effect of cultures and traditions.

In which region of the African continent is the Great Rift Valley located? a. East Africa
b. North Africa
c. Southern Africa
d. West Africa


a. East Africa
it is near the horn of Africa.
East Africa is the continent where the great rift vally is located

Match each Russian czar to the statement that best describes him.Nicholas I
Nicholas II
Alexander II
Alexander III

Potential answers
son of Alexander III
put down the Decembrist Revolt
began a program of Russification
was assassinated in 1881


Nicholas I put down the Decembrist Revolt -Russian Czar that succeeded Alexander I; he strengthened the secret police and the bureaucracy; willing to use Russian troops to crush revolutions,

Nicholas II son of Alexander III -the last czar of Russia who wanted supreme rule of army and government

Alexander II  was assassinated in 1881 -assassinated by the terrorist group (suicide bomber)

Alexander III began a program of Russification to suppress non-Russians, and persecuted minority groups.