Which of the following describes a theme


Answer 1

A theme is the subject of a talk or a piece of writing such as an essay, novel etc.

The theme reoccurs in the work throughout the course of it and everything in turn supports the theme.

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Why were some people critical of Britain’s imperialist practices?


Because colonizing often involved violent conflicts

Answer: A. Because colonizers often mistreated the indigenous peoples.


Alt Apex answer

What word means a pleasing flavor


Tasty, delicious, yummy, delectable,pleasant, heavenly, delightful, luscious, tasty, nutritious, good, satisfying, lush, and many more.

hope that this will help you
Ambrosial, tasty, delectible, scrumptious. Any of these words would work.

Which of the following items might serve as a prop?A. a dialogue
B. a magazine
C. a scene
D. a set


B) A magazine is the item that might serve as a prop.
A prop is an object used on stage, so a set, a dialogue, and a scene cannot be props.

How do traditional gender colours (blue and pink) influence your behaviour



The traditional genders assigned to colors - blue being associated as being more masculine and pink being associated as being more femenine - influence a myriad of the ways we as individuals make decisions on a day to day basis.

For example, consumer women are more pressured to buy products that might be marketed towards women (flowery packaging and/or light colors like pink) like deodorant or shampoo even if they have the same effectiveness as the male targeted products. The only difference is the color and the price.

Another example is clothing. Men are under more social pressure to dress in muted/darker clothing for fear of being seen by strangers as being feminine. Contrast this to women who can get dressed in every color in the spectrum.


Hope this helps! :)

Read this passage. Then answer the questions below. PASSAGE

Yoshi is hungry. Yoshi wants to eat. Yoshi walks to the store. Yoshi walks to the grocery store. Yoshi walks to the grocery store because he wants something to eat. Yoshi arrives at the grocery store. It is late. The sky is dark. Yoshi buys an orange, an apple, a banana and a mango. The orange costs 50 cents. The apple costs 60 cents. The banana costs 10 cents. The mango costs 90 cents.

1) What kind of food does Yoshi buy?
a) Fruit.
b) Meat.
c) Vegetables.


The sentence where you find the asnwer is here: Yoshi buys an orange, an apple, a banana and a mango.

orange, an apple, a banana and a mango are all fruits, so the correct answer is a) Fruit.
Yoshi buys fruit, not meat or vegetables, meat= cows, sheep, pigs, etc, vegetables= potatos, lettuce, broccoli,etc, fruit= strawberries, oranges, pineapples, etc.

Read the excerpt from Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll."How would you like to live in Looking-glass House, Kitty? I wonder if they'd give you milk in there? Perhaps Looking-glass milk isn't good to drink—But oh, Kitty! now we come to the passage. You can just see a little PEEP of the passage in Looking-glass House, if you leave the door of our drawing-room wide open: and it's very like our passage as far as you can see, only you know it may be quite different on beyond. Oh, Kitty! how nice it would be if we could only get through into Looking-glass House! I'm sure it's got, oh! such beautiful things in it! Let's pretend there's a way of getting through into it, somehow, Kitty. Let's pretend the glass has got all soft like gauze, so that we can get through.

Based on details in the text, which statement is the best prediction of Alice’s behavior?

Alice will climb through the looking glass to have a look at the other room.
Alice will stop to wonder about the other room and play somewhere else.
Alice will eventually get bored with the other room in the looking glass.
Alice will break the looking glass so she no longer has to look at the room.


Answer: it’s actually D




"Alice will climb through the looking glass to have a look at the other room." That is the answer because of her behavioral patterns relating to the matter. The text proves this by stating, "Oh, Kitty! how nice it would be if we could only get through into Looking-glass House! I'm sure it's got, oh! such beautiful things in it! Let's pretend there's a way of getting through into it, somehow, Kitty. Let's pretend the glass has got all soft like gauze, so that we can get through."