If a teacher does not provide a rubric for an important assignment, what should you do?a. Ask for a rubric to be created
c. Discuss your teacher’s grading policies with the Principal
b. Beg for your grade to be changed after you fail the assignment
d. None of these


Answer 1


a. Ask for a rubric to be created


A rubric is a solid group of criteria for a student's assignment that has details on grades based on pre established criteria. If your teacher didn't create a rubric yet, the first thing is to politely ask for one. Begging to change your grade makes no sense if there's no strict criteria for it and talking to the principal should be the last thing to be done.

Answer 2


a.  Ask for a rubric to be created


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Metacognition refers to


Metacognition is defined as"thinking about thinking” or can be “knowing about knowing”.  It higher pertains to high order thinkingallowing control and engagement in cognitive tasks and learning. It consents peopleto activities like organization, approaching a task, observing understandingand evaluation of progress on tasks. Some of this includes declarativeknowledge – the ability to know one's abilities, procedural knowledge conditionalknowledge by the usage of approaches in acquiring info.

Final answer:

Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.


Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.

For example, a student using metacognition might ask themselves questions like 'Do I understand this concept?' or 'Am I studying effectively?'. By reflecting on their own thinking, students can identify areas where they might need to seek additional help or adjust their study strategies.

Metacognitive strategies can be useful across all subjects and grade levels as they help improve learning and critical thinking skills. By using metacognition, students can become more independent learners and better at evaluating their own progress and understanding.

Learn more about Metacognition here:



The vampire's eyes were burning coals, bright and red.
“What firgurative language is it”




The vampires eyes were burning coals is a comparison of two things without using like or as so it’s a metaphor


The figurative language that's being used is: Metaphor


A metaphor is the figure of speech used in order to apply a(n) object or person. In this case, The vampire's eyes were being applied the effect of saying burning coal, bright and red.

The vampire's eyes = The object that is being applied to

Burning coals = The object that was applied to "Vampire's eyes"

A metaphor is basically when you are saying:

Something is something else.

Though similes are similar in a way, they can be different due to how they use it since:

Similes are when you say "Something is or are something else"

If the sentence were provided were a smile it would have been:

The vampire's eyes are like burning coals, bright and red.

I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you – Nobody – too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d banish us – you know! How dreary – to be – Somebody! How public – like a Frog – To tell one’s name – the livelong June – To an admiring Bog! 1. The speaker in the poem above regards fame as a. a good thing. b. the American dream. c. a bad thing. d. a reward 2. Why is using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being "somebody" an effective choice?a. Frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren't really important.
b. Frogs are essential to nature because they add a lively sound to an otherwise dreary bog.
c. Frogs only croak during the month of June, which is a time to be noticed.
d. Frogs are slimy and disgusting creatures that belong in a sticky bog.
3. What is a possible theme of the poem? a. The privacy of being nobody is better than living in the public eye.
b. People should strive to be seen as important, or they'll be rejected.
c. Nobody will notice you if you don't make yourself known.
d. Fame is worth having to put up with boring people who admire you.
4. The connotations of which word in the poem help you understand the speaker's attitude toward fame?
a. public b. dreary c. livelong d. admiring ANSWERS I GOT 1. C 2. A 3. I don't know, maybe B I'm a little nervous, I don't think any of them are right. Can anyone help me look over it? Thanks!


1. The speaker in the poem above regards fame as a C. A BAD THING

2. Why is using the image of a frog to convey how the speaker feels about being "somebody" an effective choice? 
  a. Frogs constantly announce their presence by croaking, but they aren't really important.

3. What is a possible theme of the poem? c. Nobody will notice you if you don't make yourself known.

4. The connotations of which word in the poem help you understand the speaker's attitude toward fame?  b. dreary 

Is it true Hearing and listening are synonymous.


yes they are the same meaning


yes they are synonyms


PART A: What is the main idea of the passage "Is a Bad Mood Contagious?" Question 1 options: You are more likely to yawn after seeing someone you are close to yawn. One person's feelings can positively or negatively influence another person's feelings. In one study, researchers looked at more that 150 couples for over three years. Mimicry is not all bad.
