Which statement explains the difference between iambic pentameter and prose best


Answer 1
Answer: Iambic pentameter is a type of verse meaning that there are 5 feet each accented according to a pattern and is used in creating poetry. Prose however is written in a standard textual form without any meter or rhyme.

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Can you help me interpret this quote please"If you are silent about your pain then they will kill you ,and say that you have enjoyed it"
By Zora Neale Hurston


It means that if you do not speak up about being depressed or "in pain" people around you that you interact with will unknowingly kill you on the inside and when/if you speak up they will assume you enjoyed it because you did not speak up before. Its a metaphor you see... if someone were to continuously stab you and you didnt speak up, they would stab you to death and assume you liked it for not acknowleding your pain. (excuse my terrible grammar im using an uncomfortable tablet with no auto correct and am trying to type this fast.)

Final answer:

Hurston's quote emphasizes the dangers of remaining silent about one's suffering, as well as the importance of self-expression and advocacy. It is often used in discussions on societal issues like inequality and discrimination.


The quote by Zora Neale Hurston, "If you are silent about your pain then they will kill you, and say that you have enjoyed it" speaks to the themes of oppression, silence, and the oppression of personal truth. It suggests that if a person does not openly speak about their suffering or struggle, others may take advantage of their silence, hurting them in the process and afterwards, justifying their actions by claiming the person enjoyed it.

The 'they' in the quote could refer to anyone - oppressors, society, or an individual causing harm. The 'pain' could represent any form of suffering. The quote emphasizes the importance of self-expression and advocacy, implying that silence in the face of injustice could be misinterpreted as consent or enjoyment.

This quote is often used to discuss societal issues such as discrimination, inequality, abuse such as racial and gender inequalities, where the individuals suffering often feel silenced by those in power.

Learn more about Interpreting Quotes here:



Question 5.5. Writers make emotional appeals when they try to persuade readers by including _________ . (Points : 3)illogical claims or overgeneralizations about opposing positions
facts, statistics, and logic that support their positions
expert opinions that agree with their positions
imagery and description that may influence readers’ feelings


From a writing perspective it would be imagery and description.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

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Forceful is the comparative adjective because it is saying that it is MORE than the other

Which of the following statements is a fact?The only reason people like malls is the air conditioning.
Many teens enjoy visiting the mall after school.
There are too many shoe stores at the mall.
Shopping is every teenager’s favorite activity.


Many teens enjoy visiting the mall after school. Because it is the only indisputable statement in the choices.
The only reason people like malls is the air conditioning." is not a fact because it can be disputed. If it was the true case, people would just sit at malls without buying anything
There are too many shoe stores at the mall."-"too many" is difficult to explain and so it can be disputed
Shopping is every teenager’s favorite activity." Many teenagers love shopping but every one them has shopping has their favorite activity.


Many teens enjoy visiting the mall after school.


Which event is an example of irony in Macbeth?A. The tree witches make the prediction that Macbeth will someday be both thane of Cawdor and king.
B. King Duncan thinks Macbeth is good and virtuous man,when in reality Macbeth is plotting his murder.
C. Lady Macbeth returns the bloody dagger to King Duncan's room after Macbeth it too upset to do it himself.
D. Macbeth is unable to say "amen" after he hears King Duncan's guards praying in their sleep.


Answer: B. King Duncan thinks Macbeth is good and virtuous man, when in reality Macbeth is plotting his murder.

Irony occurs when a character believes something that is the complete opposite of reality. For irony to work in a play, the audience usually has to have more information that the characters. In this case, the audience knows that Macbeth is planning the murder of King Duncan. However, the audience also knows that King Duncan believes Macbeth to be a good and virtuous man. This contradiction is an example of irony in the play.

B. King Duncan thinks Macbeth is a good and virtuous man, when in reality, Macbeth is plotting his murder. ((APEX))