Experts predict that a future disease outbreak will spread rapidly because much of the world's population lives in crowded urban areas. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: Generally speaking, yes it is true that experts predict that a future disease outbreak will spread rapidly because much of the world's population lives in crowded urban areas, since the world population continues to grow. 
Answer 2

The correct answer is true.

It is true that experts predict that a future disease outbreak will spread rapidly because much of the world's population lives in crowed urban areas.

Scientists consider a great risk the possibility of a disease outbreak in some regions of the world because population lives in crowded urban areas, and this means a high risk to be contagious by sick people. That is why governments need to be prepared to act swiftly in the case on an emergency like this.

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I know this because i took the test on edge

to whom who sees this have a nice day


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