How is an area's topography determined


Answer 1
Answer: an areas topography is determined by its landforms like rivers or mountains
Answer 2
Answer: Topography influences the wind patterns and the transfer of energy in an area.

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Looking at the periodic table, which of these elements has the smallest atomic radius?A. sodium
B. potassium
C. hydrogen
D. lithium


Answer: C. hydrogen


Atomic radius of an atom is defined as the total distance from the nucleus to the outermost orbital of electron.

On moving from top to bottom, there is an addition of shell around the nucleus and the outermost orbital gets far away from the nucleus and hence, the distance between the nucleus and outermost orbital increases.

This in turn increases the atomic radii of the element from moving top to bottom in a group.





hydrogen which has 0.79

Which compound is classified as a hydrocarbon?(1) butanal (3) 2-butanol
(2) butyne (4) 2-butanone


Answer: The correct answer is Option 2.


Hydrocarbons are defined as the compounds which have a covalent bond present between hydrogen and carbon atoms. For Example: CH_4 is a hydrocarbon. H_2O,CO_2 are not considered as hydrocarbons.

For the given options:

Option 1: butanal

The chemical formula for this compound is CH_3CH_2CH_2CHO

This is not considered as a hydrocarbon because a covalent bond is present between carbon and oxygen atom.

Option 2: butyne

The chemical formula for this compound is CH\equiv CCH_2CH_3

This is considered as a hydrocarbon because covalent bonds are present between carbon and hydrogen atoms only.

Option 3: 2-butanol

The chemical formula for this compound is CH_3CH(OH)-CH_2CH_3

This is not considered as a hydrocarbon because a covalent bond is present between carbon and oxygen atom.

Option 4: 2-butanone

The chemical formula for this compound is CH_3C(O)-CH_2CH_3

This is not considered as a hydrocarbon because a covalent bond is present between carbon and oxygen atom.

From the above information, the correct answer is Option 2.

(2) butynu........................

Which renewable energy sources should be developed in your area, and why? Consider abundance of the energy source, ease of setup in your area, and cost.Review the seven questions.

Write a few sentences summarizing what you already know about these topics.


Final answer:

The choice of renewable energy sources to be developed depends on the geographical and environmental characteristics of an area. Wind and tidal energy could be suitable for a coastal region, solar energy might be ideal for a sunny, arid region, and biomass energy could work well in forested areas. Setup and costs can vary depending on the specific circumstances.


The optimal types of renewable energy sources to be developed in a given area typically depend on the environmental and geographic factors of that area. In a coastal region, for example, harnessing wind energy and tidal energy could be very appropriate and effective. Wind turbines can be set up onshore or offshore to generate electricity from the consistent and powerful coastal winds, while tidal power plants can harness the energy of incoming and outgoing tides.

On the other hand, in a sunny, arid region like a desert, solar energy would likely be the most feasible and abundant source of renewable energy. Solar panels can be efficiently installed in these areas to convert sunlight directly into electricity.

Finally, in an area with abundant biomass resources (such as forested areas), biomass energy can be a good choice. This form of energy uses organic materials (like wood, crop waste, or even algae) to create heat, fuel, or electricity.

The ease of setup and costs associated with each type of renewable energy source can vary significantly depending on the specific factors of each location, as well as the type and scale of the energy project.

Learn more about Renewable Energy Sources here:



There is a lot but here are some!

Wind: Wind power is growing rapidly, and is becoming a well-recognized renewable energy resource. Using wind power to turn turbines that generate electricity can provide a cheap source of energy. Building and maintaining equipment could provide thousands of jobs and cost-efficient and clean electricity. Wind farms, however, are not particularly popular. They can impact local environment and wildlife, and even provide noise pollution. Additionally, many people feel that the equipment used obstructs scenic views.

Solar: This is perhaps the most recognized renewable energy source. Energy from the sun is captured using cells made from special materials (silicon is quite popular right now) and then converted into electricity. The biggest factor in solar cell production is cost. However, with technological advancements solar is becoming more cost efficient, and high efficiency solar cells are being developed. This is important, since high efficiency cells are hard to come by. New materials are providing solar cells that are easier to transport and install. Flexible solar cells can be used for residential use, and building solar arrays is becoming popular. One of the main factors in efficiency is the fact that solar panels only generate electricity during daylight hours, and can be hampered by cloudy conditions or pollution. Some sort of storage is needed in order to make full use of solar power.

Water: We have been studying water-based renewable energy for quite some time. Hydroelectricity has been a source of energy for years. However, even though the energy production process does not put off pollution, there are other environmental concerns associated with the damming of rivers and ecological impacts stemming from this practice. But hydroelectric power remains one of the more cost-efficient means of generating renewable energy.

Geothermal: Geothermal energy is extracted from the natural processes of the earth. A great deal of heat is created below Earth's surface, and efforts are being made to extract and use this power. While the ancient Romans knew about and used geothermal heating, now Earth's processes are being used to generate electricity -- going beyond space heating. Geothermal power does not put off greenhouse gases (although some harmful gases from deep in the earth would be released -- and need to be contained), and it is reliable. However, it can only be used in areas where there is tectonic activity.

Nuclear: Perhaps the most controversial form of renewable energy is nuclear energy. Electricity is produced from the energy released by nuclear reactions. While fission (splitting) is the main source used today, interest continues in developing cold fusion. Currently, though, power plants generating power using nuclear fission are among the safest plants. They also generate power without emitting pollution. In Europe, France benefits greatly as its nuclear energy produces the cheapest electricity (according to 60 Minutes).

What do physical changes do?


Great question!

Physical changes change the appearance of something or someone.

For example, let's say 2 cats get into a fight. One is left clean in the end of this, with no scratches or bites anywhere, so nothing has happened to it as a physical change.

However, the other cat is left scarred and with bite marks everywhere. All this has left the cat's once-beautiful coat now ragged and torn up. This is an example of a physical change.

↑   ↑   ↑  Hope this helps! :D


affect the size, shape, and phase of a substance


Balance the chemical equation. ___Mg + ___Fe2O^3 -> ___MgO + ___Fe



3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.


  • To balance the equation, you should apply the law of conservation of mass for the equations.
  • The law of conservation of mass states that the no. of each atom is equal in both sides (reactants and products).
  • The balanced equation is:

3Mg + Fe₂O₃ → 3MgO + 2Fe.

That 3.0 mole of Mg react with 1.0 mole of Fe₂O₃ to produce 3.0 moles of MgO and 2.0 moles of Fe.

  • The no. of all atoms is the same in both of reactants and products side.

Mg (3), Fe (2), and O (3).