In the food chain, ____ can make their own food.producers
primary consumers
secondary consumers


Answer 1
Answer: In the food chain, the group of organisms that can make their own food is called producers. Producers are organisms that are able to produce their own food. All plants, algae, and some photosynthesizing bacteria are producers. On the other side, consumers are those organisms that consume producers while decomposers, in the process of decomposing, break apart dead organisms.
Answer 2

Producers Because that's the answer.

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Gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane by


Diffusion - the movement of molecules down a concentration gradient from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration.
This is because these molecules are non-polar and can easily travel across the hydrophobic parts of the plasma membrane :)

Diffusion is the process by which gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide cross the plasma membrane.

Further Explanation

Plasma membrane present in all the animals and plant. Plasma membrane in plants is covered by a cell wall. plasma membrane is made up of lipid bilayer which is semipermeable to some molecule ions and gases. Through this lipid bilayer, plasma membrane regulates the influx and efflux of a molecule.

Main functions of plasma membrane is to,

Maintain the structure of a cell

Help in interaction with other cells

Provide protection from outside

Help in transport nutrient in the cell and transport toxic substances out of the cell.

The lipid bilayer is made up of phospholipids and these are an amphipathic molecule that contains hydrophilic as well as the hydrophobic region. the plasma membrane has 2 bilayers closely packed together and interior of membrane is hydrophobic,altogether these structures make plasma membrane selectively permeable and allow flux of small non-polar material like carbon dioxide, oxygen through simple diffusion.

Diffusion is a movement of a small molecule from higher concentration to a lower concentration. For example, oxygen is used by our cell very easily during metabolism and concentration of oxygen in cell become less and concentration of oxygen is high outside, so oxygen can easily diffuse through bilayer into the cell cytoplasm.

Learn more:

1. Learn more about eukaryotic cell:

2. Learn more about cell membrane:

3. Learn more about phospholipid bilayer

Answer Details:

Grade: High School  

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Cell biology


Membrane, cellwall, phospholipid bilayer, cell, oxygen, lipid, diffusion, concentration, lower, high, metabolism, semipermeable, permeability, hydrophobic, hydrophilic, influx, efflux, metabolism.

The carbon dioxide humans breathe out is produced


the carbon dioxide produced when humans breathe out

What is the first step to take to help reduce pollution?


the answer would be to gain information about the current state of environment and ways to inprove it.
Stop littering on the ground , instead of recycling trash or burning it, shoot it into space far away from the milky way , or just stop making factories , that pollutes the earths air.  

What phase do sister chromatids move apart?


I remember the stages of mitosis through IPMATC
Interphase - the cell just does cell stuff, and the chromosomes start to condense.
Metaphase - the chromosomes meet along the equatorial plane (meet and Metaphase start with the letter 'm'), and the nuclear envelope starts to disintegrate
Anaphase - the chromosome move away from each other (Anaphase and away both start with 'a')
Telophase - the nuclear envelope reforms
Cytokinesis - the cell membrane splits, creating 2 daughter cells

The plentiful nature of resources in the tropical rainforest reduces competition for them.


That statement is false

The plants still have to undergo a fierce competition in order to obtain sunlight. The taller trees will obtain more sunlight while overshadowing the smaller one.

Meanwhile , even though there are a lot of food resources in the rain forest, it also have many animals that compete for the same food.

Answer: The plentiful nature of resources in the tropical rain forest reduces competition for them is  FALSE

The plants still have to go through an aggressive competition in order to obtain sunlight. The trees which have a high altitudes  will get more sunlight whereas overshadowing the ones with smaller altitudes . There is a lot of food that can be obtained in the forest but at the same time many animals are present in the forest too as a result even for the food the animals would have to compete.

When water moves through a semipermeable membrane to achieve equilibrium between two solutions, what is this called?


osmosis, for example if you put an egg that is stripped of its shell it will absorb water to get to equilibrium