is this website just for a bunch of lazy kids bumming off answers? Because if that were the case I'd be one of them.


Answer 1
Answer: No, in fact. Brainly is to help people who are having homework trouble, but not to just give out answers. The best answers on Brainly are the ones that explain in a simple way how they got their answer, and (obviously) that it's correct. If you need help on homework, then try and make sure your question is clear and appropriate. You'll most likely get better luck if you place it in the correct subject, and better answers if they can understand it. Also make sure when you answer questions that it's clear, simple, appropriate, and (again, obviously) correct.

I hope this helped! Please take thetime to rate, pick the Brainliest answer (not necessarily mine!), and thank me if you feel Ihelped with this question! Thank you, it helps me a lot. :)

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A combination circuit would be needed for security because if you had a strait circuit if any one of those sensors or the keypad was ripped off the circuit will now let the flow of electricity be possible but with a combination circuit it helps eliminate that problem because even if on flow path is cut off, other paths are still available 

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Some image resolution was lost while uploading it
She downloaded a compressed version of the image.
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Her file was probably corrupted while downloading.
Computer screens typically display images of only 72 DPI.




Some image resolution was lost while uploading it

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The answer is Web Page 1.


Web page 2 has to many colors and will destract the readers from the info and page 3 doesn't have enough color to make things pop so all the info will end up ooking like it is running together; Lastly page 4 doesn't have colors that go well together, therefore web page 1 is the correct answer.

I also took the test and it was right.