During the Bronze Age, the invention of and improvements on the chariot helped the Hittites, Hyksos, and _____ build kingdoms through military conquering.


Answer 1

Answer:    Egyptians

Explanation:  According to some scientists, chariots are gradually introduced into warfare because the original structures were heavy and used for transport. The Hittites introduced design innovations because they used lightweight wheels and four spokes instead of eight. So chariots became a lightweight and fast-paced two-wheel drive carriage that usually drags two horses, sometimes more, which were a revolutionary invention and which significantly improved the mode of warfare. Due to speed and low weight, the warriors on the chariot were extremely mobile and flexible, and these wheelchairs were suitable for conquering. From the platform of the chariot, archery could be carried out easily and efficiently during the attack.  In Egypt, for example, chariotry is a separate military unit. Later with the invention of the cavalry, chariot lost their function in wars, but used for transportation and racing.

Answer 2
Answer: the answer is  Egyptians 

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Hope I helped!

- Debbie

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