Republicans split their votes between William Howard Taft and Theodore Roosevelt, and therefore the Democratic candidate, Woodrow Wilson, won the election of 1912. a. True
b. False


Answer 1
Answer: Simply Put........ True
Answer 2

The answer to the question is true

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What connection does the narrator make between collectivism and human invention? A.People in a collective society often dismiss the need for human progress and creativity.
B.People who prefer collective thought are unable to contribute new ideas to mankind’s progress.
C.Societies in which people live for one another tend to cooperate and produce innovative developments.
D.Societies that have the greatest number of people need to have more inventions and produce more.


I believe the correct answer from the choices listed above is option B. The connection that the narrator make between collectivism and human invention would be that people  who prefer collective thought are unable to contribute new ideas to mankind’s progress. Hope this answers the question. Have a nice day.
Below is the excerpt that I managed to check from other source. 

Those men who survived—those eager to obey, eager to live for one another, since they had nothing else to vindicate them—those men could neither carry on, nor preserve what they had received. Thus did all thought, all science, all wisdom perish on earth. Thus did men—men with nothing to offer save their great number—lose the steel towers, the flying ships, the power wires, all the things they had not created and could never keep. 

Below is the answer:

People who prefer collective thought are unable to contribute new ideas to mankind's progress.

How did the Sherman Antitrust Act restrict monopolies?


The Sherman Antitrust Act restricted monopolies by prohibiting activities that federal government regulators deemed "anti-competitive". It prohibited any contract, conspiracy or combination (ex. a trust) that attempted to restrain foreign or interstate trade. It also prohibited any attempt to monopolize any part of trade within the US.

Examples and Non Examples of Sovereignty


Example of sovereignty: the power of a king to rule his people.

Non sovereignty: vectoring a bill, power given to the president.

Final answer:

Sovereignty refers to the absolute power and authority of a state to govern itself without outside interference. An example is the self-governance of the United States. A non-example is the German occupation of Poland during World War 2 where Poland lost its ability to self-govern.


Sovereignty refers to the absolute power and autonomy of a national government to govern its territory and people, irrespective of outside intervention. It is a key principle in international law and politics. Sovereignty can be exercised in several ways, including making laws, enforcing laws, and interpreting laws.

For instance, the United States exhibits sovereignty by self-governance, including creating its laws, determining foreign policy, and issuing currency without external interference. Contrastingly, an example of a situation that does not represent sovereignty is when a country is invaded by another nation and comes under foreign control, such as the German occupation of Poland during World War II. In this case, Poland lost its sovereignty when their ability to self-govern was overtaken by German forces.

Sovereignty can also be partially relinquished through international agreements. For example, members of the European Union have agreed to follow certain economic and political guidelines despite their national sovereignty. Nevertheless, they maintain their inherent sovereignty as it can be exerted should they decide to leave the EU and regain full control over their national affairs.

Learn more about Sovereignty here:


what was the first battle of the civil war? a. battle of gettysburg b. battle of bull run c. battle of antietam d. battle of vicksburg


a.) the battle of Gettysburg


The answer is Choice B.


The First Battle of Bull Run, also known as the First Battle of Manassas, was the first major battle of the American Civil War and was a Confederate victory. The battle was fought on July 21, 1861 in Prince William County, Virginia, just north of the city of Manassas and about 25 miles west-southwest of Washington, D.C. The Union's forces were slow in positioning themselves, allowing Confederate reinforcements time to arrive by rail. Each side had about 18,000 poorly trained and poorly led troops in their first battle. It was a Confederate victory, followed by a disorganized retreat of the Union forces.  

I Hope This Helps!

Did ann of cleves have children?


No, she doesn’t have any children.

Final answer:

Ann of Cleves, the fourth wife of King Henry VIII, did not have any children. Their marriage was annulled, much like Henry's marriages to Catherine and Anne Boleyn.


No, Ann of Cleves did not have any children. She was the fourth wife of King Henry VIII of England.

Their marriage was annulled, similar to what happened to Henry's former wives Catherine and Anne Boleyn, meaning it was declared null and void as if they had never been legally wed.

However, unlike Catherine and Anne, Ann of Cleves did not bear any children before or during her brief marriage to the king.

Learn more about Ann of Cleves here:


Write me a 300 word essay talking about the The War Powers Act


The War Powers Act, officially known as the War Powers Resolution, is a law passed by the United States Congress in 1973. It was enacted to address concerns about the President's power to commit the country to armed conflicts without the approval of Congress, as mandated by the Constitution. Here are the key points to understand about the War Powers Act:

1. Purpose: The main goal of the War Powers Act is to prevent the President from involving the United States in prolonged military actions without the consent of Congress. It seeks to maintain the constitutional balance of power between the executive and legislative branches.

2. Requirements: Under the Act, the President must consult with Congress before introducing armed forces into hostilities or situations where hostilities are imminent. Additionally, the President must report to Congress within 48 hours (about 2 days) after committing troops to an armed conflict.

3. Time limits: The Act places a time limit on the President's use of military force without Congressional authorization. It allows the President to deploy troops for up to 60 days (about 2 months), with a 30-day withdrawal period, unless Congress authorizes the use of force or declares war.

4. Congressional approval: If the President does not receive explicit authorization or a declaration of war from Congress within the 60-day period, they must withdraw the troops. Congress has the power to extend the time limit or pass a resolution to end military involvement.

5. Historical context: The War Powers Act was a response to the Vietnam War, during which President Lyndon B. Johnson and President Richard Nixon were criticized for escalating the conflict without proper Congressional approval. It aimed to ensure that future presidents would have clear limits on their war-making authority.

6. Controversies: The War Powers Act has been a subject of ongoing debate and interpretation. Some argue that it encroaches on the President's constitutional authority as Commander-in-Chief, while others believe it is a necessary check on executive power.

7. Effectiveness: The Act has not been fully successful in curbing presidential war-making authority, as presidents have often taken actions that could be considered circumventing its requirements. However, it has led to increased debate and scrutiny of military interventions.

In conclusion, the War Powers Act is a law designed to limit the President's ability to involve the United States in armed conflicts without Congressional approval. While it has faced criticisms and challenges, it represents an important effort to maintain the checks and balances established by the Constitution.