Mitosis is responsible for growth, repair, and maintenance in an organism because


Answer 1
Answer: Because it ensures that when damaged tissues are repaired, the copies of the new cells are exactly the same as those cells being replaced. Mitosis helps in cell replacement and regeneration of missing parts to varying degrees in multi-cellular organisms. 
Answer 2


what are the options for the answers


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Which verb form correctly completes the sentence? Jermaine, seeing the first shower of lights, ________ a chill of excitement.
a. feeling
b. have felt
c. had felt
d. felt


d. felt because Jermaine is the subject completing the action, and Jermaine is a singular noun and therefor needs a singular verb, felt.
The correct answer is d. felt~

d. felt indicates the past tense, while the other three don't just fit the sentence.

Hope this helps~

Which of these adjectives best defines an interlude?a) spiritual
b) instructive
c) witty
d) bawdy
e) somber


Option c) which states "witty", is the correct option.

The English word "interlude" derives from the Latin elements "inter-" and "Ludus," which stand for between and play, respectively.

What is an interlude and witty?

The adjective of a noun determines its quality and quantity. By describing or moderating nouns and pronouns, adjectives limit or restrict their meaning. Any kind of quality can be labeled, including big, red, angry, enormous, unique, odd, etc. An adjective usually comes before a noun.

A break in the action is known as an interlude. Witty is an example of linguistic humor at its best. Therefore, everything that is presented in the middle of something qualifies as an interlude. An interlude can also be described as a break or an intermission.

The best adjective to use to describe an interlude is "witty." A quick and inventive sense of humor is a must for being witty. Therefore, witty will be the appropriate response since it best describes an interlude.

To learn more about adjectives, visit :


The word interlude comes from the Latin words "inter-" meaning between and "ludus" meaning play and becomes the English word interlude. Therefore, the meaning of interlude is something that is presented in a middle of somewhere. Other words that are synonymous with interlude are: intermission and and break. The best adjective that best defines an interlude is the word "witty". Being witty means able to show a quick and inventive humour.

Silva has developed a working thesis and collected a large amount of information related to it for her research paper. What is the most useful next step in the writing process for Silva?


After collecting a large amount of information related to the thesis at hand, it is oftentimes most helpful to organize this information into separate categories. This is best done by making an outline of all the major topics and categorizing the data. 

Advertising has no influence over language.
a. True
b. False


The answer is FALSE. Advertising has a huge influence on language.

In at least 150 words, tell how the mother's history as a Chinese immigrant lays the foundation for her motivations and values as a character. in the story two kinds



her history as a Chinese immigrant is very tragic. The terror of the war, losing her children and moving into a new country. She embraces the idea of the American Dream and she might feel that her daughter should not expierence the same life as hers. So by pushing her to do many thinks she is trying to avoid her to suffer the same.

The Cubist Picasso, went through a wide variety of artistic periods in his career. is this sentence correct if not what are the corrections?


It lo

 Picasso, the Cubist, went through