Does “either A or B ” preclude “both A and B”?


Answer 1
Answer: No., Either A and B, do not preclude both A and B.
Either means any of the 2. Thus when you say, either a and b.
meaning the answer may be A or B.
But when you say Both A and B.
Thus this simply means that the answer is both A and B.

=> Either is not the same as both.
Therefore the answer is NO.

For example:
When are you coming:
Answer = either today or tomorrow, meaning your coming maybe today or may be tomorrow. You're not sure.

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Dramas are written to be performed in front of an audience, whereas prose, poetry, and short stories are usually meant to be read. Sometimes poems, short stories, and excerpts from prose texts are recited before a group of people (such as at readings at a bookstore or literary event), but that is unlike performing dramas. Dramas also differ from films. While drama is a live performance of a story in front of an audience, a film is a recorded performance of a story that is screened at a movie theater or on TV.

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The answer is A) She eventually said, "We share recipes."

The quotation marks and punctuated are in the right order. 
A I'm pretty sure because it uses the right punctuation when it comes to writing quotes or quoting something

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No, Probably not lol :)


most of them don't but some do


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a. is
b. are


The answer is A. A collective noun can either take a singular or a plural verb depending on how you think it is. When you consider a couple as two separate individuals, you can use 'are'. But, you can also say that these two individuals are a single unit so use 'is'. In the sentence, since they're newlywed, you can consider them as one. 

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I'd say that 'every' is the adjective you are looking for. It specifies the noun 'light'.
There is no adjective in this sentence, Only an adverb 'Slowly'

Another name for the predicate in a sentence is an


The another name for the predicate is "Verb". The sentence is of two parts - one subject and other- predicate. Subject is the person, place or thing about which the sentence is all about. Predicate is the part of the sentence that talks about the subject. It mainly contains verbs.So, the other name for predicate can be verbs.
For this particular item, we are to give the other term for the word predicate which is present in the sentence. The predicate of the sentence describes the subject and that the other terms for the word predicate could be description of the topic.