What kind of complement is the word unique


Answer 1
Unique means to be unlike anything else. When something or someone unique, they are one of a kind. It is often a very nice compliment when meant as a compliment. Sometimes unique can be used as a placeholder for a compliment when someone does not wish to insult the other person. If you think something is ugly or bad, you can say unique, because the thing or person can still be unlike anything else, even if it's not good.
Answer 2
Answer: There are five sentence complements. Three are Action Verb Complements and two are subject complements

Action Verb Complements
1) Direct Object - a noun or pronoun that receives the action of the verb
2) Indirect Object - instances when direct object also has indirect object; it is affected by the action given to the direct object
3) Object Complement - modifies or renames an object

Subject Complement (used only with Linking Verbs)
4) Predicate Nominative - renames the subject of the linking verb
5) Predicate Adjective - modifies the subject of a linking verb.

For example: She is unique. - unique is a predicate adjective for it modifies the subject of the linking verb.

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c. dove
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A symbol that is widely recognized as standing for peace is a dove.


The association dove/peace probably originates from the alliance described in the Old Testament.

After flooding the Earth to purify it, God made an alliance with Noah and his descendants, and promised to never flood the Earth again. When a dove returned to Noah's Ark holding an olive branch, Noah then knew it was safe to leave the Ark with his family and the animals they had saved.

It's a dove because it's white and pure

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A) Detached
B) Ground
C) Conscious
D) Brown

[options are capitalized and underlined]​




Explanation:i think

Is it fair to judge people by their Physical Appearance?


No. A person may have a very gruff, rough look but be a very sweet, kind helpful person. Or on the other hand, they could be like a news story I heard. A little old lady, she looked like the nice, sweet grandma that bakes great cookies...she was convicted of embezzlement. So, yeah, not a good idea to judge people by their looks. Hope this helps! If you get more than one answer and see it fit to do so, please mark me Brainliest Answer! Thank you!
No its not a person might have a wierd looking face but you never know if they're nice or not.

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b. Love
c. Friendliness
d. Ambition


I think that the key words here are :
thou shalt be king hereafter

this encourages Macbeth to try to become a king later, and it can be best names as: it encourages d. Ambition.

The answer is d ambition

Which of these elements are found in the Hopi story?


I think your question might refer to the story:" How the Spaniards Came to Shung-opovi, How They Built a Mission, and How the Hopi Destroyed the Mission"

and the options might be these (boldface of the elements found in the story:)

a. cultural differences between the Hopi people and the Spaniards
b. hardships faced by the Spaniards
c. tradition of the Hopi people
 d. agreement of the Hopi people with the Spaniards
 e. introduction of medicines by the Spaniards


i think the answer might be a and c


i took the plato test.

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yeah, I would say so. In the book, Victor played God and as a result, never foresaw the outcome of his creation. This can apply to today were being hubris and not taking proper steps or conditions lead to your downfall.