By the thirteenth century, the political and religious influence of Islam traveled further south because of?


Answer 1
Answer: It traveled further because Islam was successful in two things. The first thing is its success in recruiting or rather convincing new people that it was the faith that should be followed. For that reason it gained many followers around the world, and especially in the south. Another reason was that they achieved important military victories during those times which increased and expanded the islamic belief. 

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The correct answer is:

President has the privilege of protecting communications.

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Which proposal most resembled the Articles of Confederation? athe New Jersey Plan b the Great Compromise
c the Virginia Plan
d the Federalist Papers


The Virginia Plan proposed a legislative branch consisting of two chambers  with the dual principles of RATION OF OFFICE  and RECALL applied to the lower house of the national legislature.Each of the states would be represented in proportion to their “Quotas of contribution, or to the number of free inhabitants.States with a large population, like Virginia (which was the most populous state at the time), would thus have more representatives than smaller states

Final answer:

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The proposal which most resembled the Articles of Confederation is the New Jersey Plan. This is because both the Articles of Confederation and the New Jersey Plan advocated for a weak central government, with the majority of power resting with the states. In contrast, the Virginia Plan, the Great Compromise, and the Federalist Papers advocated for a stronger central government and less state sovereignty.

For example, the New Jersey Plan, just like the Articles, proposed a single-chamber congress in which each state had single vote, emphasizing equal representation regardless of state size. It also kept more power at the state level.

On the other hand, the Virginia plan promoted a bicameral legislature with representation based on population, implying more power to the central government, while the Great Compromise sought a balance between the two with a bicameral legislature, but with different bases of representation in each house.

Learn more about New Jersey Plan here:


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The Declaration states that “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it . . .” This means that, according to the creators of the Declaration, the main purpose of government was to protect and uphold the rights of citizens. If a government fails the people it governs, those people have the right to rebel and overthrow the government. The colonists included a long list of grievances they had with British rule. These included unfair taxes and no representation in British Parliament. To the colonists, their treatment at the hands of the British government was an abuse of power that gave them the justification to break away and form their own government.
