For which compound is the process of dissolving in water exothermic?(1) NaCl (3) NH4Cl
(2) NaOH (4) NH4NO3


Answer 1

The compound whose dissolution in water will produce energy would be NaOH.

Exothermic reactions

These are reactions that produce energy in the form of heat.

In other words, a reaction in which the heat is given off to the environment is said to be exothermic, whereas, the reverse is endothermic.

When NaOH is dissolved in water and the temperature of the reaction vessel is recorded, one would see that heat is given off by the dissolution process. Thus, the dissolution is exothermic.

More on exothermic reactions can be found here:

Answer 2

Answer: Option (2) is the correct answer.


A chemical reaction in which reactants absorb energy is known as an endothermic reaction. Also, in this reaction energy of reactants is less than the energy of products.

For example, when ammonium chloride is dissolved in water then the solution becomes cold as the reaction is endothermic in nature.

Whereas a chemical reaction in which energy is released is known as exothermic reaction. Also, in this type of reactions energy of reactants is more than the energy of products.

For example, when NaOH is dissolve in water then heat is released as it dissociates into sodium and hydroxide ions. Further, product formed that is, species sodium and hydroxide ions acquire low energy state. Hence, the reaction is exothermic in nature.

Thus, we can conclude that NaOH is the compound in which process of dissolving in water is exothermic.

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Option 2

In process I & II entropy of the system increases proceed from left to right.


Entropy is an extensive property of the system. It means it depends on the amount or quantity of the system

In case for process 1

since one mole sodium chloride dissolve in water and it dissociate into two ions i.e. Na⁺ and Cl⁻

For process 2

CaCO₃(s) → CaO(s) + CO₂(g)

Change in gaseous moles = (Product moles - reactant moles)

                                 ⇒ Δng = 1

Since  Δng > 0 it means randomness increases of the system from left to right. So, ΔS > 0

Final answer:

Processes I (dissolving NaCl) and II (decomposition of CaCO3) show an increase in entropy, whereas process III (freezing water) shows a decrease. Therefore, the entropy of the system increases for processes I and II, not III.


The student has asked which processes have an increasing entropy as they proceed from left to right. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system, and changes in entropy can be predicted based on phases changes, the dispersion of matter, and the change in the number of particles in a system.

For the process of dissolving NaCl (s) into Na+(aq) and Cl-(aq), entropy increases due to the dispersion of the solid into ions, hence increasing the randomness of the system. Therefore, process I has an increasing entropy. In process II, we have CaCO3 (s) decomposing into CaO (s) and CO2 (g), leading to an increase in the number of gaseous molecules, which significantly increases entropy compared to the original solid state. Lastly, process III involves the transition of H2O (l) into H2O (s), which means that water is going from a more disordered liquid state to a more ordered solid state, decreasing the entropy of the system.

Considering these details, the entropy increases for processes I and II but decreases for process III. Therefore, the correct answer to the student's question is option 2, which indicates that entropy increases for processes I and II.

Learn more about Entropy Change here:


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2.specific Heat
3.thermal equilibrium
4.Heat of Fusion


Answer: Option (3) is the correct answer.


When two substances or objects at the same temperature do not exchange heat with each other then this state is known as thermal equilibrium.

Whereas latent heat is the release or absorption of energy at a constant temperature.

Specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass necessary to increase the temperature by one degree Celsius.

Heat of fusion is the amount of energy required to change the state of matter or substance.

Thus, we can conclude that out of the given options, thermal equilibrium describes the point when two objects reach the same temperature and there is no longer a transfer of energy through heat.

C. Thermal Equilibrium

In an energy diagram, the reactants are at a higher potential energy compared to the products. Which of the following best describes this reaction?A)

It is endothermic and will have a positive enthalpy.


It is endothermic and will have a negative enthalpy


It is exothermic and will have a positive enthalpy.


It is exothermic and will have a negative enthalpy.


Answer is (D) - It is exothermic and will have a negative enthalpy.

If the reactants are at a higher potential energy compared to the products, it means reactants have more energy than the products. That energy is released to the environment as heat. Due to the releasing of heat to the surrounding, the reaction is exothermic. Since the reaction is exothermic; the enthalpy of the reaction will be negative value.