Which sentence refers to a dynamic character?A farmer sticks to an old method of farming while his peers adopt new methods.
b. spoiled rich teenager learns humility after working with the homeless.
c.Two sisters argue over whether country life or city life is better.
d. president can't decide whether to declare war over an incident.


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is: B. Spoiled rich teenager learns humility after working with the homeless.

(A dynamic character is one that changes in some way throughout the story.)
Answer 2

the answer is B i thought it was C it is B!

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b. God said so in the Bible.
c. it will keep them out of trouble.
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He said that you should work because you love what you do.

A loud noise was heard (a, an) hour ago?


The correct answer is: A loud noise was heard an hour ago. If a word begins with a vowel sound, then the correct article is an but if a word begins with a consonantal sound, the correct article is a. In this case, the word hour is pronounced with a silent h.

   The correct word to go in this sentence would be an. A loud nois was heard an hour ago. Hope this helps!

The first item in a Works Cited entry is normally the A. author's last name.
B. year of publication.
C. title of the book or article.
D. name of the publication.


a. author's last name.

The first item in a "Works Cited Entry is normally the author's last name followed by its first name. In preparing the works cited entry and you have encountered two or three authors, you only have to write the first-named author in an inverted format, meaning the author's last name comes first then the first name. The rest of the authors of a three-authored information sources will be listed in the Works Cited Entry normally, not transposed. This format is follows the MLA.

The word contra also means ___________.a.


Your answer is D.Counterrevolution

Hope this helps.

Which of the following threats did soldiers face in the trenches?





No choices, but they did have to worry about trench foot and shellshock.

Strolling tourists fill the streets of Rome. Identify the type of verbal used in the sentence above and the word it modifies. gerund: “tourists” infinitive: “streets” gerund: “Rome” participial: “tourists”


The Verbal here is :"strolling" - the only other verbal form here is the inflected verb, "fill".

(so we reject the options:
infinitive: “streets”
participial: “tourists” )

this verbal modifies "tourists": the tourists are strolling - it has a function of an adjective.

D-participial: “tourists”