Diagram of a red blood cell


Answer 1
Answer: Here is a diagram of a red blood cell

Answer 2
Answer: your answer is located here 

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c. all areas of the world . thats my best choice .

How is nitrogen from the atmosphere, the abiotic part of the ecosystem, converted in to the biotic part of the ecosystem of the ecosystem in organisms?


In theprocess of the nitrogen cycle.               
The nitrogen cycle is abiogeochemical succession process of nitrogen that involves: fixation,ammonification, nitrification, and denitrification. Like any otherbiogeochemical cycles. This process undergoes and affects the biological, geometricaland chemical aspects in the ecosystem and the abiotic and biotic community. Hence,the nitrogen cycle leads the abiotic component –nitrogen- to contribute to thebiotic community, decomposition and primal production. Further, it becomes anessential part of the environment because some life components are contains it,similarly, amino acids, nucleic acids in RNA and DNA.  


Nitrogen takes steps through the Nitrogen Cycle, taking an active role in the lives of organisms and changing forms to meet their needs. In fact, nitrogen is a critical part of the development of plants, many farmers even add nitrogen to plants to make the grow bigger and more fruitful. Even the human body needs nitrogen to, which is good because most of the air we breath is nitrogen.


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kinetic is movement and potential is stored energy

Stored energy is called  potential energy, and movement is called kinetic energy.

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