A cyclist accelerates from 0m/s to 8 m/s in 3 seconds what is his acceleration is this


Answer 1
Answer: Accel = Vf - Vi
x=8 m/s – 0 m/s
           3 s
Vf= 8 m/s
x=8 m/s
Vi= 0 m/s 3 s
t= 3 s
x=2.67 m/s/s
Answer 2
Answer: Acceleration is equal to V2-V1/t so 8m/s-3m/s over 3s is equal to 8/3 or 2.67 m/s^2

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Answer: just make a bunch of posters to understand it


try your best and write it down


just make a bunch of posters advertising the trash hole in the ocean and how it's bad for the world


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to christians poverty is a sickness why the real definition is the inability to gain money or a living

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All answers to how to be a smart risk taker


To be a big risk taker, you have to be brave and bold and do what no one would expect of you!!! However, you must be smart and make sure to not do things that could risk your life
Is that what u are asking?
In order to be a smart risk take you should do stuff that are risky while being smart do what people don't expect you to do

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I believe it is D. remember

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not me






i need with math it say the ride-it store rents bicycles. the cost is $8.50 for 1 hour, $13.64 for 2 hours, $18.80 for 3 hours, and 23.95 for 4 hours. if the pattern continues, how much will it cost nate to rent a bike for 6 hours?


1\ hour:\n \$8,50\n \n 2\ hour:\n \$13,64\n \$13,64-\$8,50=\$5,14\n \n 3\ hour:\n \$18,80\n \$18,80-\$13,64=\$5,16\n \n 4\ hour:\n \$23,95\n \$23,95-\$18,80=\$5,15\n \n 5\ hour:\n \$23,95+\$5,14=\$29,09\n \n 6\ hour:\n \$29,09+\$5,16=\$34,25




I am assuming your $13.64 is supposed to be $13.65. If that is the case. First hour is $8.50 and each additional hour is $5.15 more. Adding 2 hours is $10.30.
