How do you say " Hi my name is Maddie. I am awesome" In French

Thanks btw


Answer 1
Answer: ENGLISH: Hi, my name is Maddie. I am awesome.
FRENCH: Salut, je m'appelle Maddie. Je suis impressionnanté.

You have a 'e' with an accent at the end of 'impressionnanté' because you are a girl. If you were a boy, it would be 'impressionant'. Hope this helped you and if you have any questions feel free to ask x
Answer 2
Answer: - - English: Hi my name is Maddie. I am awesome

- - French: Salut je m'appelle Maddie Je suis impressionnanté.

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Which word best completes the second sentence?        Le repas est froid. Il faut ____________ réchauffer avant de manger. A. le B. la C. les D. se




Le repas est froid. Il faut le réchauffer avant de manger.

le is the direct object pronoun.

Il faut réchauffer quoi ? --> le repas = masc. noun = le-> masc. direct object pronoun

If the sentence was ==

La tarte est froide. Il faut la réchauffer .........

Les plats sont froids. Il faut les réchauffer ......

les tartes sont froides. Il faut les réchauffer ....

A- le => masc. sing. direct object pronoun

B- la => fem. sing. direct object pronoun

C- les => masc. & fem. plural direct object pronoun

D- se ==> is for reflexive verbs (verbes pronominaux)

hope this will help

The answer is A. le which I believe makes the sentence say "The meal is cold. It must be warmed up before eating."  

Ce gen au cuvintele acestea in franceza :: sac , raquette de tennis , anorak , jeu, .. va rogg e urgentt!


J'ai acheté une nouvelle raquette de tennis.
Vous avez mis vos affaires dans votre sac.
Tu as un bel anorak bleu.
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Ecris l’équivalent masculin pour chaque membre de la famille



Exemple :

le père : la mère

le frère : la soeur

l'oncle : la tante

le cousin : la cousine

le grand-père : la grand-mère

le neveu : la nièce


le frère =>  la sœur    (brother / sister)

le père => la mère     (father/ mother)

le mari => la femme   (husband/wife)

l'époux => l'épouse    (spouse/bride)

le cousin => la cousine  (cousin)

l'oncle    => la tante      (uncle /aunt)

le neveu => la nièce     (nephew/niece)

le grand-père => la grand-mère  (grandfather/ grandmother)

le beau-père => la belle-mère    (stepfather/ stepmother) or ((father in law/ mother in law)

le beau-frère => la belle-sœur  (stepsister /stepbrother) or (in-law)


hope this helps ☺☺☺

Write a paragraph on what you wear to school xxx



Very good question


School uniforms should definitely be used in school systems.

Uniforms are both good for schools as well as for the students. Wearing uniforms will help build a sense of unity within the school. Instead of everyone as a separate team, everyone will be in the same team. Wearing uniforms will help free students of the stress of what to wear in the morning. Wearing school uniforms will help improve student individuality and improve their self-esteem. First, wearing matching uniforms can make students feel equal. Poor students would no longer feel excluded because they are not wearing name brand clothes like the richer kids. Kids sometime tease each other because of the brand of clothes that they wear.

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Le Ghana est ennuyeux, that's what I got

Le Ghana est tropical. :/ Thats what i got...not sure if it’s right tho

How do you say 'Hello, How are you today?' In French?


❅ English: 
❅ Hello, How are you today
❅ French:
❅ Bonjour comment vas tu aujourd'hui
Bonjour. Comment allez-vous?
This is a very polite way to say it. However if you are speaking directly to a friend you would often say, Salut. Comment vas-tu?