Why was white America so fascinated by Harlem in the 1920s


Answer 1
Answer: Because if the music and culture that it brought to the world
Answer 2

"When the Negro Was in Vogue" by Langston Hughes, Here's a quote from his book that might help you out.

  • White people began to come to Harlem in droves. For several years they packed the expensive Cotton Club on Lenox Avenue. But I was never there, because the Cotton Club was a Jim Crow club for gangsters and monied whites. They were not cordial to Negro patronage, unless you were a celebrity like Bojangles. So Harlem Negroes did not like the Cotton Club and never appreciated its Jim Crow policy in the very heart of their dark community. Nor did ordinary Negroes like the growing influx of whites toward Harlem after sun- down, flooding the little cabarets and bars where formerly only colored people laughed and sang, and where now the strangers were given the best ringside tables to sit and stare at the Negro customers—like amusing animals in a zoo.

Hope this helps, have a BLESSED and wonderful day! As well as as a safe one! :-)

-Cutiepatutie ☺❀❤

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PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY HW THANK YOU SO MUCH 30 PONITS FOR BEST ANSWER!!!!!!!!!What were some reasons people chose to move west?

A.to own their own land, to make money, to be their own boss, to find jobs, and for religious reasons
B.The North was getting too overcrowded.
C.They wanted to live where there was no slavery.
for improved climate, better land, and freedom
D.Many just didn't like the cities.
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B.They prayed night and day.
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B.a lot of dead troops
C.many new heroes
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E.none of the above

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A.It grew from a tiny village to a boomtown.
B.It had a system of laws and a government.
C.It was admitted into the union.
D.It harmed the Native Americans living there.
E.all of the above

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7.Capitulate means to stand firm
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"A.to own their own land, to make money, to be their own boss, to find jobs, and for religious reasons" is the best option for one, while the main thing the Us got from the war was territory. 

1. A

2. D

3. E

4. D

5. B

6. False

7. False

8. False

9. True

10. False

i'm certain that these answers are correct, if not, i apologize. and please tell me! (:

- k a y l e e <3