A solution containing HCl would likely have


Answer 1

A) high ph and low ph

B) low and high ph

c) high and high ph

D) low and low ph

its b

Answer 2

Final answer:

A solution containing HCl, or Hydrochloric Acid, would likely have a low pH due to its acidic nature which greatly increases the amount of Hydronium ions in the solution and thus lowers the pH often below 7.


A solution containing HCl, or Hydrochloric Acid, would likely have a low pH. The pH scale measures how acidic or basic a substance is. It ranges from 0 to 14 with 7 as neutral. Since HCl is a strong acid, it will greatly increase the amount of Hydronium ions (H₃O⁺) in the solution, thus making the pH of the solution low, often below 7.

Learn more about the pH of HCl solution here:



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According to zeroth law of thermodynamics, when two objects are kept in contact, heat (energy) is transferred from one to the other until they reach the same temperature (are in thermal equilibrium). When the objects are at the same temperature there is no heat transfer.

So, at equilibrium, q_(lost)=q_(gain),  q_(lost)= q_(milk) + q_(coffee)

q=m×c×T, where q = heat energy, m = mass of a substance, c = specific heat (units J/kg∙K), T is temperature

q_(lost)= (15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19), (15+148)X4.19XT_(final)=(15X13X4.19)+(148X88.3X4.19)

T_(final)= 81.37 ° C

H-H-C=C-H-H + Br—Br —> H-H-Br- C-C-H-Br-H





Okay, I am NOT explaining this whole thing, but simply, C2n product.

Don't ask. Just don't.

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chemical that’s your answer boy

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A suction bulb or pipette pump to suction the sample.


There are different types of pipettes that can be used in a laboratory:

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An object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an outside force.
An object at rest will stay at rest.
An object must overcome inertia to begin moving.
Having a heavier mass may increase the force of a moving object.


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Pouring water off a bridge and watching it turn to small drops by the time it hits the ground.
A wrecking ball swinging towards its target.
A piece of ice dropping into a glass of water that sinks more slowly than it fell through the air.
Smoothing an ice rink with a Zamboni.


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acceleration, gravity, inertia
acceleration, inertia, force
mass, gravity, acceleration
acceleration, force, mass


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To catch more food
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it is slowing down
it is stopped
it is not changing its speed
Both B and C could be true





trust me plz i am good at chemistry

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The object will not float in water because the density of the object is greater than that of water.


Density of object = 1.75 g/mL

Density of water = 1 g/mL

The Density of the object is 1.75 g/mL and that of water is 1 g/mL. This implies that the object is denser (i.e heavier) than water. Therefore, the object will not float in water, rather it will sink in water since it's density is greater than that of water.