The best way to ensure parallel construction in your essay is to use similara. details in each paragraph.
b. topic headings in the outline.
c. sentence structure throughout the essay.
d. paragraph lengths.


Answer 1

The best way to ensure parallel construction in your essay is to use similar (C) sentence structure throughout the essay.

Parallel structure (parallelism) is when similar sentence structure is used throughout the essay. This is done to ensure coherence.

Answer 2
Answer: Your answer is B, topic headings in the outline. Because your topic headlines are parrallel 

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Subject-auxiliary inversions not associated with questions


A. helping verbs
Have, has, had, having are what kind of words 

"To have" is a modal. Both modals and be verbs are called auxiliary verbs. 
Examples of modals: have, may, shall, can
Be verbs: be, am, is, are

Auxiliary verbs are  also called helping verbs. They are non-action verbs that only serve as a support to the main verb. Hence, they need ACTION VERBS. For example, we say "She HAVE dreamed about unicorns." and "We ARE eating the food our mother made." "Have" and "are" are auxiliary verbs helping the action verbs "dreamed" and "eating".

Final answer:

Subject-auxiliary inversion mostly occurs in questions but can also occur in non-question sentences, like the 'Just because...doesn't mean...' construction. This tends to create mixed sentence construction, which is less clear and not ideal for formal writing. Understanding and adhering to basic grammatical rules, like pronoun cases and subject-verb agreement, can enhance writing clarity.


The student's question is referring to a grammatical concept in English language known as subject-auxiliary inversion. This typically occurs in interrogative sentences where the auxiliary verb comes before the subject. However, it can also occur in situations other than questions, such as in negative expressions, conditional clauses, or in sentences that begin with certain adverbs.

A common instance that doesn't fit the interrogative format is the 'Just because... doesn't mean...' construction. While this is commonly used in speech, it's not recommended in formal writing as it results in a mixed sentence construction. The sentence structure lacks clarity and could confuse readers. Understanding and correctly using subject and object personal pronouns, maintaining subject-verb agreement, using pronouns clearly, and avoiding mixed sentence constructions can improve the effectiveness of your written communications.

Learn more about Subject-auxiliary inversion here:


Which of the following statements concerning the U.S. service sector today is most accurate?a. It has become the low-wage sector of the U.S. economy.
b. This sector has grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.
c. It focuses less on quality and more on reducing costs of production.
d. The service sector has achieved extremely high productivity gains according to government reports.


The correct option is B.

The service sector of the US accounts for about two third of the country's economic activities. The manufacturing sector on the other hand account for about 12% of the economic activity, which makes is approximately five times smaller than the service sector. Thus, the service sector of the country is really booming while the manufacturing sector is struggling to stay on its feet.

The service sector is also known as the tertiary sector: (after agriculture and manufacturing).

In the industrialized countries, and the US is definitely one, the service sector is the leading one and has been growing rapidly.
So the correct answer is b: This sector has grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.

15. Which of the following sentences uses the passive voice? *Almost every night Frances sang her son the same lovely lullaby. *Because of the light color, Jason gave the room a second coat of paint. (My answer) *Have you ever been taken to the state fair? *Despite her talent, Ms. O’Neil never became a famous writer.


The only passive question is "Have you ever been taken to the state fair?'"

What figure of speech is the saying: You snore louder than a freight train.a. Metaphor
b. Personification
c. Simile
d. Hyperbole


The figure of speech used here is hyperbole.

What is a hyperbole?

This is an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken in its literal sense.

In the statement, snoring louder than a train is an exaggerated statement as no human's snore is louder than that of a train.

There correct answer is option D.

Read more about hyperbole here:

Definitely a hyperbole. Hyperboles are extremely exaggerated statements. 
Saying someone snores louder than a freight train is impossible but it's VERY exaggerated. Therefore, it's a hyperbole. 

The new solar power plant faces many obstacles. Solar power will never work.The sentences are an example of


The sentences are an example of hasty generalization.
If something encounters many obstacles, that doesn't mean it will never work, it just mean it will be more difficult to attain those goals.