What word in the following sentence is an adjective?Jason's sturdy ship sailed bravely across the wine-dark sea.
A. sturdy
B. across
C. sailed
D. bravely

Which of the following plurals is incorrect?
A. Agencys
B. Labels
C. Factories
D. Halves


Answer 1
Answer: The answer to the first question is A. sturdy. An adjective modifies a noun, so to find the adjective, we must first find the noun. In this sentence, the noun is "ship." Then, you can ask yourself, "What is the ship like?" The answer is "sturdy," so you know that's the adjective. The answer to the second question is A. agencys. When a noun ends in -y, you will usually have to delete that -y and add -ies to make it plural (like with factories).

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The correct answer is A, this is true. If it is unstressed, then it is a feminine rhyme. 
b false a condition, principle, emotion, applicable to and understood by all people

“The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free;
We were the first that ever burst
Into that silent sea.”

-from the "Rime of the Ancient Mariner"

What figure of speech is found in this literary example?






Personification furrows can't follow trees and foam can't fly.

What Which kind of clause modifies nouns or pronouns


The question is asking "Which kind of clause modifies nouns or pronouns" and the answer is "adjective clause". For example in the clause "the blue car" "blue" is an extra information about the car, so it modifies the noun - car. Similarly, in "happy children" - happy, an adjective, modifies "children".

Final answer:

An adjective clause is a type of clause that modifies nouns or pronouns. It generally comes after the noun or pronoun it describes and it commonly begins with relative pronouns such as 'who', 'which', 'that'


The kind of clause that modifies nouns or pronouns is called an adjective clause. An adjective clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adjective and provides more information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence. Such clause usually comes after the noun or pronoun it modifies, and it often begins with relative pronouns like 'who', 'which', 'that'. Here is an example: 'The book, which is on the table, is mine.' The adjective clause 'which is on the table' is giving more information about the noun 'book'.

Learn more about Adjective Clause here:



Which sentence does not contain any errors in comma usage? A. It is, a pentagonal, military building. B. The leftovers were stored in three, plastic containers. C. Ryan has a new wooden baseball bat. D. The modern, and steel refrigerator had three small compartments.


"C. Ryan has a new wooden baseball bat" does not contain any comma errors. Although it would technically be acceptable to put a comma after "new" it is not necessary.
It's C. And I would not use any commas there,though there's an enumeration of qualities.

Analyzing a cartoon
What is the mean idea?
Words/ phrases?


In the cartoon you can see one side is a Big Buisness, advertising for labor wanted so they can help keep the economy going. On the other side you see ICE with the same poster, except this time they are showing that the person is wanted, "to keep the world in their proper place." The cartoon is basically saying that the people who are needed to do labor and keep the economy going are the same immagrints that are wanted to go back to their home country. It is really push an pull.

Which of these is a direct characterization of Ted from "My Brother's Keeper"? a) I'm your kid brother. Fiver yeas younger than you are and all the time, all through the years I had to act like I was the older brother.

b) "I got scared. Scared. I wasn't myself. I wasn't."

c) And Jaimie thought how on the football field Ted loomed large, so very large

d) Ted looked fearfully at him and didn't speak


(A) I'm your kid brother. Five years younger than you are and all the time, all through the years I had to act like I was the older brother.

This is direct characterization. The 'kid brother' is being described in direct detail, without leaving any ambiguities.