Saying that all Caucasians drive too fast, African Americans listen to only rap music, and Jewish people drive too slow is a form ofa. tact.
b. empathy.
c. stereotyping.
d. consistency.


Answer 1

The correct answer is C. Stereotyping


Stereotypes refer to ideas only based on a person's religion, origin, preferences, etc. In most cases these are ideas are incorrect or biased, and only reinforce negative perceptions about people; due to this, stereotyping should be avoided.

Examples of stereotyping include believing African Americans are good at sports or only like rap because these are just biased beliefs that are not true in all cases. According to this, saying that Caucasians drive fast, Jewish people drive slow, etc is a form of stereotyping or attributing incorrect ideas or features to people only based on religion, origin or ethnicity.

Answer 2
Answer: C. stereotyping
Because that means you have an image of someone before you meet them

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The limerick and the tongue twister are two types of___.


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Now, I like poetry. A tongue twister need not be poetry, but they are all the better from my perspective when they are poems. As a result, the tongue twisters here are mostly poems. Will you learn anything? Nope. But read them aloud over and over and watch your speech improve over time.

A Limerick

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A Question
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“Ladies and gentlemen—” said the ballerina, reading the bulletin. She must have been extraordinarily beautiful, because the mask she wore was hideous. And it was easy to see that she was the strongest and most graceful of all the dancers, for her handicap bags were as big as those worn by two-hundred-pound men.What is ironic about this excerpt?
The ballerina is described as beautiful, but she is actually hideous.
The news bulletin being read on the television is about Harrison.
The ballerina is able to read the news bulletin flawlessly while wearing a mask and handicap bags.
The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.


The fact that is ironic about this excerpt is this:

  • The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.

What is an Irony?

An ironical statement is one that reveals the opposite of the intended meaning. In the text above, we see an example of irony because instead of the big handicap bag concealing the beauty of the girl, it actually highlighted it.

Also, although the ballerina wore a hideous mask, the narrator still guessed that she must have been beautiful. This is ironic because we might expect someone wearing something hideous to be ugly. So, option D is right.

Learn more about irony here:


The correct answer is: D. - The handicaps devised to conceal the ballerina’s strength and beauty actually accentuate them.

The definition of a hero is alwaysa. denotative.
b. objective.
c. consistent.
d. subjective.



d. subjective.


A hero is someone who embodies many of the qualities that are important to a particular culture, social group or civilization. Therefore, the definition of a hero is always a subjective matter because values and principles change with time, and different people consider different values important. Therefore, the concept of a hero, far from being universal, changes according to the person who defines it.

It is always subjective. Most people would consider soldiers returning from deployment to be heroes. Others hold them in contempt and have no respect for them.

A. What is the noun clause?B. What is the function of the noun clause?

1. Flaming carrot always has flippers for when he needs to swim


A. The noun clause is "when"

B. The function of it is predicate

Why does the narrator in the story “The Pioneer Hep-Cat” tell the story of General Henry T. Corrigan?


I believe the answer is: because the narrator want to highlight that despite being a famous Army Officer, General Corrigan was a man who never forgot where he came or the people he grew up with

The narrator pointed out that Despite his immense success in climbing up millitary rank, General Henry T. Corrigan's personality still hasn't change ever since he was a kid. He still enthustiastic in meeting people from his childhood and showing them kindness.

Based on your knowledge of the Latin root -jec-, choose the best meaning of the word inject. A. force into something B. make a guess C. throw away D. send into the air


The best meaning of the word "inject" based on the Latin route "jec" would be "force into something". This is also of course employing the root stem "in". 

Final answer:

The word 'inject' comes from the Latin root '-jec-', meaning to 'throw'. In the context of 'inject', it means 'to force into something'.


The word


is derived from the Latin root


, which typically means to 'throw'. In the context of 'inject', it conveys the meaning of 'throwing into'. Thus, the best meaning of the word 'inject' based on this root would be 'to force into something'. This is commonly used in contexts like medicine, where a substance is 'injected' or 'forced into' the body using a syringe. It could also be used in the context of non-physical things, like injecting an idea into an argument, meaning to introduce or force the idea into the discussion.

Learn more about Word Meaning here: