Whom do the Mudville fans expect to win the game for their team?a. Flynn
b. the pitcher
c. Blake
d. Casey


Answer 1


d. Casey


"Casey at the Bat" is a baseball poem from in 1888 by Ernest Thayer. First distributed in The San Francisco Examiner on June 3, 1888, it was later advanced by DeWolf Hopper in numerous vaudeville performances. It has turned out to be a standout amongst the best-known poems in American writing.

Answer 2
Answer: The Mudville fans expect Casey to win the game for their team. The correct answer is D.

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I believe the answer is:

1. Ivan Ilyich wanted to weep, wanted to be petted and cried over, and then his colleague Shebek would come, and instead of weeping and being petted, Ivan Ilyich would assume a serious, severe, and profound air.

2. "This falsity around him and within him did more than anything else to poison his last days

From the first sentence, the narrator infer that even when a member of rising middle class is experiencing grief, they are forced to hide it due to the concern of their social standing.

From the second sentence, the narrator infers that unability to express emotion started to eating them from the inside and make them miserable.