Unlike nonsteroid hormones, steroid hormonesA. can't pass through cell membranes. B. include proteins and modified amino acids. C. enter the nucleus and change gene expression in a target cell. D. bind to receptors on the outside of cell membranes.


Answer 1

Answer: The correct answer is that steroidal hormones enter the nucleus and change gene expression in a target cell.

Steroidal hormones are hydrophobic in nature due to which they easily cross plasma membrane (lipid bilayer).

Their receptors are generally present inside the cell either in cytoplasm or on nuclear membrane.

They usually produce their effect by changing the gene expression of the cell.

Example of steroidal hormone may include estrogen, testosterone, et cetera.

Answer 2

I believe the correct answer is C. Enter the nucleus and change gene expression in the target cell.


Steroid hormones are released by steroid glands namely the testes, the ovaries and the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland. They are lipophylic and can pass through the cell membrane of the target cell producing a faster response.

Further Explanation:

Steroid hormones belong to a class of body chemicals called steroids that are formed during the process of steroidogenesis. Examples include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and glucocorticoids produced by the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland on top of the kidney. The adrenal gland is divided into the adrenal medulla that produced epinephrine and norepinephrine and the adrenal cortex that is further divided into 3 regions i.e. the zona reticularis is the lowest layer and produces the hormones testosterone and estrogen that are both steroid hormones, middle zona fasculata that makes mineralocorticoids and the topmost layer called the zona glomerulosa that produces pure steroid hormones such as cortisol that helps the body to respond to stress.

The steroid hormones are lipophilic (lipid loving) hence they can pass through the membrane of the cell much more easily and reach the nucleus of the cells to cause a change in gene expression. This hormone is in contrast to the other hormone type i.e. non steroid hormones that are made of chains of amino acids to be polypeptides. They are the majority of hormones and attach to cellular receptors such as g protein coupled receptors (GPCR) then cause phosphorylation in the cell via the cAMP pathway to cause the cell to undergo changes in gene expression. They are lipophobic (lipid hating) meaning they cannot pass through the lipid bilayer of the cell membrane. The hormones can be local acting and act on the same cell that produced the hormone (autocrine), acting on neighboring cells (paracrine) or acting on distant cells (endocrine). They function the same as neurons to produce a response but they are slower and have a long lasting effect compared to neurons. They also are chemical signals compared to the electrical signals of neurons.

Learn More:

Learn more about the functions of hormones: brainly.com/question/12933852

Learn more about steroid hormones: brainly.com/question/2137070

Learn more about cell communication: brainly.com/question/2535232

Level: High School

Subject: Biology

Topic: The cell

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Animals contribute to soil formation through decomposition of organic material. This statement is TRUE.

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  • Numerous techniques exist through which animals contribute significantly to the creation of soil.
  • The decomposition of dead animals is one of them, and it provides the soil with organic material.
  • Additionally, animals are able to improve the organic matter in the soil and fertilize it through the excretion of their excrement as well as the saliva of some species of animals, such as the goat, which is beneficial to the soil and plants.

learn more about soil formation here: brainly.com/question/1593669


The correct answer is - True.

The animals are contributing a lot to the formation of soil, and they do this in multiple ways. One of those ways is the decomposition of the dead animals, which gives the soil a nice organic material. Also, the animals manage to increase the organic material in the soil and fertilize it through their feces, as well as through their saliva that can be very useful for the soil and the plants from some types of animals, like the goat.

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Im not sure about it being developed in a lab but the answer to your question is B