Where does urine go after it exits the kidneys?


Answer 1
Answer: Into your bladder sack, then you pee and it then goes into the pipes

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What is the molecule, Which you breathe out, that leaves the krebs cycle?


the answer is critic acid cycle

What are two types of evidence that suggest that evolution has occurred?


DNA and fossils.Similarities among living organisms is evidence that organisms are related, descended from a few common ancestors, and change to adapt to their environments, organisms are similar to each other, but not exactly the same. Similar organisms have differences that help them adapt to their environments. As organisms adapt and evolve, not everything about them change. 

A group of organisms of the same species that live together in the same place at the same time are called a/an a.population





Population becusse just the sane species together would be a populatiom

Is a Tundra biotic or abiotic


Abiotic because a tundra dosnt have organisms alot just some
Abiotic because it can't breathe oxygen

1) What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far? Explain. 2) What environmental pressures in the past do you think were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today?
3) What environmental pressures exist now that you think may be shaping the human species?
4) What environmental pressures do you think may affect humans as Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future? Explain how these pressures may affect human traits.


1) What evidence is there that the human species has been successful so far? Explain. 

Successful evolutionarily means "surviving and spreading geographically". Since we are far from extinction and we've spread all over the world, we are successful as a species. 

2) What environmental pressures in the past do you think were most important in shaping the human species as it exists today? 

Those were: the weather (too cold, especially in the north and too hot in Sahara) - those made people more able to accomodate to the weather and predators - this made the species more communicative as only working together can we fight off bigger predators. 

3) What environmental pressures exist now that you think may be shaping the human species? 

The pressures today are : the limited free land, limited resources and changing climate. They are connected to man-made global warming and overpopulation

4) What environmental pressures do you think may affect humans as Earth becomes more populated with humans in the future? Explain how these pressures may affect human traits.

The pressure in the past will be: raising temperature and flooding, more Co2 in the atmosphere. 

We might for example evolve to better extract the oxygen from the atmosphere and be better resistant to heat. 

Answer: I believe that the environmental pressures that exist now and that may be shaping the human species are the use of land, the extraction of resources, greenhouse emissions and water use. This are being used by use more and more as we start overpopulating the earth.


Humanity is far from extinction we've spread to every corner of the earth. We have also learned to reproduce and make things to help us survive longer. We have also found ways to try and extinct ourselves but, that might be far from happening.

2: The environments, climate, and predators helped shape humans, they learned how to make weapons and create a shelter to survive harsh conditions in the wild.

3: Some of the environmental pressures we face now are man-made for example, pollution, a lack of land, and overpopulation. Some however are natural, like our limited supply of minerals.

4: I think most of the environmental pressure will come from pollution and a lack of space. With so many people around, there's going to be a lot of vehicle use, and things such as littering. We're going to have to change and start cleaning up after ourselves and limit the use of gas.

The first organisms on Earth were mostly likely ________ cells.prokaryotic


Answer: Prokaryotic. Because their unicellular.


