Combine sentence and use coordinate conjection:1) my bus driver is strict .
she is friendly.
( compund sentence )

2) the engine sputtered.
then it died
( compund verb )


Answer 1
Answer: Coordinating conjunctions include for, and, nor, but, or,yet, and so. 
To connect the following sentences using coordinatingconjunctions, you can say:
1.   She is friendly, but my bus driver is strict. (Thecoordinating conjunction used here is “but”.) However, for this sentence tomake sense, there has to be a preceding sentence that can further expound theantecedent of the pronoun “she”.

The engine sputtered, and then it died. (Thecoordinating conjunction used here is “and”.)

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The LambLittle lamb, who made thee?
Does thou know who made thee,
Gave thee life, and bid thee feed
By the stream and o'er the mead;
Gave thee clothing of delight,
Softest clothing, woolly, bright;
Gave thee such a tender voice,
Making all the vales rejoice?
Little lamb, who made thee?
Does thou know who made thee?
Little lamb, I'll tell thee;
Little lamb, I'll tell thee:
He is called by thy name,
For He calls Himself a Lamb.
He is meek, and He is mild,
He became a little child.
I a child, and thou a lamb,
We are called by His name.
Little lamb, God bless thee!
Little lamb, God bless thee!The Tyger

Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
And what shoulder and what art
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And, when thy heart began to beat,
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What the anvil? what dread grasp
Dare its deadly terrors clasp?
When the stars threw down their spears,
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did He smile His work to see?
Did He who made the lamb make thee?
Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry.

Based on tone, why is it fitting that "The Tyger" is featured in a volume titled, Songs of Experience? You must cite from and explain these lines in your response. Remember that tone involves word choice.


It is feautrured in Songs of Experience because the poem talks about the experience of a tiger. It is a suspense poem. Indeed, the life of a tiger is full of suspenses. The poem's opening lines are:

Tyger Tyger, burning bright,

In the forests of the night;

What immortal hand or eye,

Could frame thy fearful symmetry?

The poet praises the the qualities of the tiger by asking questions without answering them. In the remaining lines of the poem, the author continues praising the perfectness of the animal, calling it dark craftsmanship. The thought-provoking point is about the comparison between The Tyger and the previous poem The Lamb which the poet himself doubts that the same God could create innocent spirit like a lamb and such a fierce animal like tiger at the same time. or it could be interpreted as God's different expressions showing his kindness in the face of lamb and his anger in the qualities of tiger.

Which principal part is this verb form? crushed A.
present participle
past participle


yeah past participle but its also past tense
my brother crushed the ant
active (its past here)
the ant was crushed
passive (its p.p here) 
not sure if this is the same lesson u r asking about...

Refer to the article "Harun al-Rashid & One Thousand and One Nights." How does the passage develop the idea that King Shahrayar is cruel?Help please.


In "Harun al-Rashid & One Thousand and One Nights", King Shahrayar of Persia was betrayed by his wife who had been unfaithful and in response he losses trust in all women such that he marries a woman every night and kills her in the morning so that she does not get a chance to kill him.
He does this for 3,000 nights until he meets the daughter of the Vizier, Scheherazade. She, being very knowledgeable, told him a different story every night but never finishes it so that he may keep her alive till the next night to hear the end. This was the only thing that kept her alive as he made plans to execute her every day.

Final answer:

The article characterizes King Shahrayar as cruel through his brutal tradition of marrying a new woman each day and executing her the morning after, showing his harsh leadership style, and disregard for human life.


The article titled 'Harun al-Rashid & One Thousand and One Nights' develops the idea that King Shahrayar is cruel through the narration of his actions and his harsh ruling style. The passage depicts King Shahrayar as a ruthless ruler who punishes disloyalty with extreme measures. He initiates a gruesome tradition of marrying a woman each day and then having her killed the next morning. This depiction underscores the King's cruelty, asserting that he led by fear, was inherently mistrustful, and disregarded the value of human life.

Learn more about King Shahrayar's Cruelty here:


Explain how you know that the quotient 47.3÷10×10 is equal to 47.3÷0.1


They are equal.
10x10=100 47.3/100=473
47.3/.1 =473 
in the first problem you move the decimal to the left 2 times, in the second if you divide by .1 you really multiple by 10
They're not equal
47.3 / 10 x 10 = 4.73
47.3 / 0.1 = 473

What are 3 specific examples of a character in Romeo and Juliet that reflect flaws in human nature?


Romeo and Juliet is well-celebrated and popular lovestory about two young people meeting each other and were struck by love offirst sight. Their love for each other is so strong that they kept meeting eachother until they found out that they both come from rivaling families thatbeing together is very impossible. But Romeo and Juliet showed love can surpassanything even death. However due to misunderstandings, misconceptions and lackof time, both had been a victim of right love at the wrong time. This waswritten by William Shakespeare.

Three flaws reflecting human nature could be the haloeffect when Romeo saw Juliet for the first time.
The rift between the two families and their prides.
Betrayal of friends.