What is one key difference between the critical acclaim received by Edgar Allan Poe and that received by Stephen King? Poe received the prestigious Noble Prize for Literature, but King has not. Acknowledgment of Poe’s skill came primarily after his death, while King has received numerous awards during his lifetime. Praise for Poe’s work came from women, while acclaim for King’s work has been primarily from men. Poe only inspired English writers, while King has inspired chiefly French and German writers.


Answer 1
Answer: One key difference between the critical acclaim received by Edgar Allan Poe and that received by Stephen King is that acknowledgement of Poe's skill came primarily after his death, while King has received numerous awards during his lifetime. 
Answer 2

Acknowledgment of Poe’s skill came primarily after his death, while King has received numerous awards during his lifetime.

Much of Poe's literary acclaim while he was alive came from his work as a literary critic. "The Raven" made Poe's name known in many households; however, it was published only 4 years before his death at the age of 40. Stephen King is still alive and continues to receive awards for his exemplary work as an author.

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The best word to complete the sentence above is: A. dossiers. The meaning of this word is collective documentation about a particular person, place, or event. In this sentence, you can refer to the context clues "request these files" that help us recognize the meaning of the word.

Write a Brief Report with a well-supported controlling idea.“Harrison Bergeron,” a short story by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., is set in an imaginary future in which the government has made it illegal for people to compete with one another. Imagine that you live in the world of the story. The government is rethinking its policy against competition and has sent you back in time to the year 2020 to observe and report on the effects of competition.

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another idea of your choice
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Here is a draft Brief Report on the effects of competition set in the world of "Harrison Bergeron":

Controlling Idea: The effects of competition are neither entirely positive nor completely negative; rather, competition brings out both constructive and harmful behaviors in people.

After observing the year 2020, I found that competition frequently motivates people to strive for excellence. The Olympics showcase incredible athletic achievements only possible through competitors pushing each other. Businesses work diligently on innovative products and services to outdo their rivals. Students study rigorously to earn top exam scores. This drive fuels progress and growth.

However, competition also enhances negative qualities like greed, jealousy, and dishonesty. Companies steal ideas and sabotage others' reputations. Athletes use banned substances to get an edge. Students even cheat to rank above their peers. Competition brings out humanity's worst impulses along with its best.

In conclusion, competition is a complex beast. Its positive effects inspire people to maximize their potential. But it also corrupts integrity and sportsmanship. Perhaps the ideal world lies between the extremes of "Harrison Bergeron" and 2020. With balanced policies encouraging healthy competition while curbing cutthroat excess, society could thrive. I hope these observations aid the government's reconsideration of competition laws.


What is another term that means "stress" in a word?A. syllable
B. accent
C. origin
D. vowel


The Answer is B 100% Accurate
c origin because strees a feeling that is created from your mind body

If the verb in the independent clause is in the present tense, in which tense should the verb in the indirect quotation be?


Sentences are build by clauses. These clauses may be independent clauses or dependent clauses.

Independent clauses are those that can stand on their own. Whereas, dependent clauses can not. 

Dependent clauses are used to  make independent clauses more interesting or complete. There must be an independent clause for a dependent clause to be present. 

I need to identify independent clause to properly define the use of dependent clause.

An independent clause has three components: subject, an action or predicate, express complete thought. An independent clause can simply be a subject and a verb. Ex: She sleeps.

A dependent clause has a subject and verb but does not express a complete thought. Its presence in a sentence is made known when it is preceded by a marker word or conjunction.

Marker words - before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even if

conjunction - and, or, nor, but, yet.

A dependent clause must be joined to an independent clause to avoid becoming a fragment.

Example: Because I lied. - fragment 
Because I lied, My mom got angry. - Correct Sentence

My mom got angry - independent clause
Because I lied - dependent clause - complete thought was express when it was attached to the independent clause

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The purpose of this shows what shakespeare wanted, when he created this play it was like a riot between the Capulats and the other team. The story just shows the affair between the two and how they commited suicide because if the riot.
because just because  they were different they wanted to be together 

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