How do you recognized a rhythming s
scheme or patern


Answer 1
Answer: You can recognize a rhythmic scheme or a pattern by analyzing the number or feet in a verse. A foot consists of 2 syllables. That is why the most famous scheme in English poetry is called the Pentameter. That means that there are 5 feet, or, 10 syllables. There are various other options, however, such as the tetrameter, hexameter, trimeter, etc. Based on the position of the accent in a foot, a foot can be iambic, trochaic, anapestic, or dactylic. It can be many types more, but these four are most common.

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b. False



a. True


The parallel structure uses repetition of a chosen grammatical form within a sentence in order to show that the ideas are equally important and to give a natural flow to the reading. This construction uses word, phrases or clauses that are grammatically similar or identical in structure, sound, meaning, or meter.

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True parallel structure does concern the balance of ideas and grammatical functions

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C.Chen answered the questions most eagerly of all. The others are wrong because: 1) "most" is a superlative word and so is "slowest" so they shouldn't use them together. 3)"more" is a comparative word and so is "later" so they shouldn't be used together. 4) "more" and "bigger" are both comparative so they shouldn't be used together too. The point is: two comparative or superlative words shouldn't be used together.Eagerly is not a comparative or superlative word so it can be used with "most"

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The correct sentence is C, because 'driven' is the past participle, part of the present perfect tense. Present participle would be 'driving', it has -ing form, whereas B is not correct because 'helped' is just past, not a past participle. 

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B. the values illustrated by characters and events of the story
C. the effect of the piece on the reader
D. all of these


In general, it is "D. all of these" that should be considered when trying to discover the theme of a piece of literature, since pretty much any element can develop a theme.

The correct answer  is D. All of these


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