Sullen is to moody as monotonous is to what?


Answer 1
Answer: Monotonous is to dull, boring, tedious, droning or repetitious Monotonous means the lack in variety. 

Musically speaking, it means an unvarying tone or pitch. But since youranalogy is started by an adjective, we have to pair it with an adjective too.

So you can pick one from any of these: dull, boring, tedious, droning or repetitious 
Answer 2

Sullen is to moody as monotonous is to dull.

Hope this helps; have a great day!

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object of a preposition

direct object

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The correct answer is A. subject.

If you rewrite the sentence so it's "I was the person who answered the phone," the fact that it's the subject is more visible.

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Answer: C) Purpose.

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A. The narrator helped the old man find his way to his wife.
B. They drove the old man out of town, so he wouldn’t bother the temple anymore.
C. The taxi driver had run over and killed the old man; he was no longer able to knock on the doors each night.
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A is the answer I think. I am not very good at this subject.

Which sentence uses punctuation correctly? A.
A place, that I visit frequently, is Lake Michigan.

A place that I visit frequently, is Lake Michigan.

A place that I visit frequently is Lake Michigan.


The sentence that uses punctuation correctly is: C) A place that I visit frequently is Lake Michigan.

Option A is wrong considering that is you sound the sentence out, it sounds like a total mess. There should be no comma after 'place' nor 'frequently'. This also goes for option B - there should not be a comma in the sentence.
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