Put the word(eaves) in a complex or compound sentence (hint:this word means the lower overhanging edges of a roof,rim) & ( make sure it's a complex or compound sentence. I do NOT want simple/single sentences please!!!!!


Answer 1
Answer: Example of complex sentence: She asked her husband to make sure to paint the roof and to make sure to not leave any spots in the eaves unpainted.

A complex sentence is a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses. This means that there is an independent clause (which means it can stand as a sentence by itself) and a dependent clause (which means a clause that cannot stand as a sentence by itself because it will  not make sentence). In the example above, the independent clause is 'She asked her husband to make sure to paint the roof' and the rest is the dependent clause. 

Compound sentence: She used to love going up to the roof and sitting with her feet dangling by the eaves because the stars could clearly be seen from there. 

A compound sentence is a sentence with more than one subject and predicate. In this example, there are 2 subjects: she and stars. There are also 2 corresponding predicates. 

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Please Ibeg beg beg beg you please help m e1.) The five rights guaranteed to us by the First Amendment include: freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of press, the right to assemble, and the right to petition the government.

A.) true

B.) False

2.) . The First Amendment guarantees that you can write anything about anyone.

A.) true

B.) false

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A.) true

B.) false

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A.) true

B.) false

5.) . You are free to express yourself, practice your religion, assemble, and petition the government as long as you are not infringing upon the rights of others

A.) True

B.) False

6.) Freedom of speech means that newspapers can print whatever they want about anyone or anything.



7.) All religious practices are protected under the First Amendment.

A.) true

B.) False

8.) Many writers use their freedom of speech for social commentary on issues that are important to them.

A.) true


9.) As a writer, you are allowed to criticize an organization or person, as long as what you are saying is arguably true


B.) false

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A.) true

B.) False

11.) The Holy Bible has never been banned anywhere.

A.) true

B.) false


1.) A - true

2.) A - true

3.) B - false

4.) True

5.) A - true

6.) A - true

7.) A - true

8.) A - true

9.) A - true

10.) **what banned books list? I know that they've been banned before if that helps**

11.) B - false

Write the fractions in order from greatest to least 3/4, 3/8 and 3/6


3/6, 3/4, 3/8 from greatest to least
First you need to make sure that all three fractions have the common denominator which is 24.
3/4 = 18/24
3/8 = 9/24
3/6 = 12/24
Next you compare them and order them from greatest to least. 18/24 is the greatest because the numerator, 18 is the greatest and next comes 12/24 and the least is 9/24.
So if you order them from greatest to least, the answer is 3/4, 3/6, 3/8.
There is another way to solve this which is really simple. If you have the common numerator, even though the denominators are different, you can just compare the denominators. But the fraction that has the smallest denominator is the greatest and the fraction that has the biggest denominator is the least. So the answer would still be 3/4, 3/6, 3/8.

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the pocorn appealed to me that whas freshly popped <- this is the sentence with the incorrectly placed adjective clause.

in this sentence, the adjective clause is "that was freshly popped", because it is a clause that describes the popcorn. 

adjective clauses almost always go next to the noun they are describing, usually in second place right after it.

An implied meaning of a word is a(n)


Implied meaning is connotation. 
1.You might imply something that you don't want to outright say if you're feeling coy.
2. To express or state indirectly: She implied that she was in a hurry.

Work in pairs. Find in the text words that mean: chance – to lead – beore – to get to –to enjoy – cuisine – leaving (n) – journey –to notice – area – to buy in advance


"Chance" can signify an opportunity (i.e. the chance to prove yourself), or it could refer to luck (i.e. It was by chance that he won). "To lead" means to be in charge (i.e. Since she has great communication skills, she can lead the group). "Before" means previously or prior (i.e. I need to study before taking the test). "To get to" means to reach (i.e. We can take a break once we get to the mountain). "To enjoy" means to be pleased by something (i.e. I always enjoy a piece of chocolate cake after a long day). "Cuisine" refers to cooking or meals (My mom's cuisine rivals that of any top chef). "Leaving" can mean to go away (i.e. I'm leaving in five minutes) or to allow something to stay (i.e. I'm leaving the keys on the table). "To buy in advance" means to purchase something before you need it, in anticipation of needing it (i.e. I don't need the books for another two weeks, but I bought them in advance to make sure I have them).

AFTER they returned from the lake, they began to think about dinner.How is the word in bold being used?
subordinating conjunction



i believe the answer is preposition but im not sure
