Va rog mult !!!Choose the best variant.
1)The man (who/which/whose)house we stayed in is my uncle.
2)The guy (who/which/whose)sold me my car is a crook.
3) (Who/Which/Whose)pen did he give you?The blue one.
4)His last book, (who/which/whose)ball I found.
5)His last book, (who/which/whose) I didn't read,was very successful.
6)I don't know (who/which/whose) way to go.
7) (Who/Which/Whose) of the Beatles'album is your favourite?


Answer 1

The correct answers are:

  1. The man whose house we stayed in is my uncle.
  2. The guy who sold me my car is a crook.
  3. Which pen did he give you? The blue one.
  4. ..., whose ball I found. (Clearly, there is a mistake at the beginning of the sentence but the context helps to identify the correct relative pronoun.)
  5. His last book, which I didn't read, was very successful.
  6. I don't know which way to go.
  7. Which of the Beatle's album is your favourite?

Who, which and whose are relative pronouns.

  • Who only refers to people. It is used in 2 because it refers to "The guy"
  • Whose refers to people or things. It is used in 1 because it refers to "the man". The "house" belongs to "the man". In sentence 4, "whose" indicates that the "ball" belongs to somebody.
  • Which refers to objects and animals. It refers to the "pen" in sentence 3, to "his last book" in sentence 5 and to "the Beatle's album" in 7.

Answer 2
Answer: whose

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