5. which literary device dose the following passage employ? "There ain't a foot o'ground she don't know her way over, and the wild creaturs counts her one o"There ain't a foot o'ground she don't know her way over, and the wild creaturs counts her one o' themselves. Squer'ls shee'll teme to come an' feed right out o' her hands, and all sorts o' birds. Last winter she got the jaybirds to bangeing here, and I believe she'd 'a' scantted herself to her own meals to have plenty to throw out amongst 'em, if I had n't kep' watch" A) assonance B) foreshadowing C) symbolism D) dialect


Answer 1
Answer: This passage employs D) dialect. It is a specific way of talking in certain regions of a country. 

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I think the situation wherein someone's gain or benefit comes in exchange of another person's or people's expense would be named as an exploitative situation (since exploiting means using others for your benefit). In politics and the government, it is called a kleptocracy. 

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B) He has been filled with good memories of the place
C) He has continually tried to avoid returning
D) He has been reminded of the place by the harsh realities of the city


The answer is D. He has been reminded of the place by the harsh realities of the cityIn his poem, Wordsworth describes how when the city seems to be too much for him, he is often transported back to this spot and experiences "sensations sweet". In his absence from the ruins of Tintern Abbey, he has only good memories of this place that ease his weariness from the city.

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According to Churchill, the Battle of France lost because France could not handle the power of the armored columns.

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The battle protracted from May 10th to June 25th in 1940 after the end of the period of waiting following the German invasion of Poland in 1939.  

The Battle of France is considered even today as one of the most important battles of World War II in Europe.


Because of an oversight in military strategy


I got it right on quiz

Which one of the following phrases contains vivid words that create imagery?A. Cotton-like clouds
B. Twenty soldiers
C. Traveled far
D. Sang a solo


The correct option is A

The author refers to an intangible object and compares it to another from the word. The birth and evolution of the writing marks a dialectic between the images and the alphabetic writing from which, the images and the text take their own positions diverging or approaching to a greater or lesser extent.

The correct answer is A. Cotton-like clouds.

This is correct because by using this type of description, the author not only brings a visual image to mind, but also what the clouds feel like or behave like which is a more detailed description. 

How should I phrase this? I need to message my chem teacher about asking to re-test, but I don't know how to say it. I'm thinking maybe just "can I re-test next week?" or "can I possibly re-test next week?" but I don't know if that's too short. I'm trying to be as polite as possible.


You could say "Is it possible that I can re-take the test next week?" and follow that with reasons because he or she probably wouldn't just let you re-test. Maybe say that you were busy and didn't have time to study or you weren't feeling well when you took the test.

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