What is 4.02 as a fraction or mixed number in simplest form


Answer 1
Answer: We look at the .02 to form the fraction it has two digits that end in the hundreths place so we can place 2 over 100 and it still equals .2 (2)/(100).  Our fraction is now 4 (2)/(100), but this is not reduced. We look at the (2)/(100) and see what it can be divided by in this case the lowest common factor is 2. We divide the top by 2 and the bottom by 2. This gives us (1)/(50). The end product is4 (1)/(50).

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What You Need:
clear glass tray
• lukewarm water
Determine Important Information
Read each part of the experiment carefully.
Water in Motion
• large cup with 200 mL of very hot water
large cup with 200 mL of ice water
• red and blue liquid food coloring
Color Water
1. Fill the tray with lukewarm water.
2. Set the tray on top of the two cups, with the hot cup
under one end and the cold cup under the other.
3. Add four drops of red food coloring to the water
above the hot cup and four drops of blue food
coloring to the water above the cold cup. Add both
colors at the same time.
sinks and stays together; moves
slowly toward hot side in a band of
color; spreads out over the hot cup
spreads quickly across the top:
covers whole top in 1 to 2 minutes,
then starts to sink
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Materials are what
are instructions on how to do the experiment
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The materials list provides a list of items needed for the experiment, while the directions list provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct the experiment.

The drawing likely includes information about the arrangement of the cups, tray, and the addition of food coloring, which is not explicitly mentioned in the experiment's written instructions.

A form of writing similar to this experiment is a procedural or instructional text. This type of writing provides a sequence of steps to follow to achieve a specific outcome, just like the experiment's directions do.

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Since there are no options given, I would sat that the answer which is not a characteristic of a weak economy is a low unemployment rate.
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When one annotates, what is involved is usually whateverwill help a student (or reader) do whatever it is he or she needs to be done bymanner of in-text note taking in order to best understand the text beingread.  For instance, typically, in themargins of a text, notes can be taken that provide a summary of aparagraph.  Areas of the text, too, canbe highlighted/underlined that are confusing as a reminder to do additionalresearch on otherwise confusing concepts presented in a text.  Some students will circle key words anddefinitions and even write down questions or ideas he or she may have had whenreading for later class discussion or future research.  Thus, again, annotating is a type of in-textnote taking one may do in order to help him or her better comprehend a text.

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a. is named
b. named the troposphere
c. layer is
d. of the atmosphere


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I believe the correct answer is B. France has both social renown and economic power in the fashion and dance worlds, so English borrows many French words for these areas. It is known that France is the best when it comes to fashion and dance - so it's no wonder that its terms for fashion and dance industry are used throughout the world. English has a lot of words borrowed from French, so D is definitely incorrect. C is incorrect because the French influence is obvious in these areas. A is incorrect because ballet comes from Italy.




I smiled to myself as I remembered the game that made me a star ten years ago . . . The rain was pouring down as I stepped out onto the football field. It was the last game of the season, and we had yet to lose a game. Today might be different. We were playing the state champions, and they were undefeated. I took a deep breath and fastened my helmet. The game was about to begin. . . Which of the following details foreshadows the outcome of the game? .


The correct answer for this question is "D. The game made the narrator a star."

Here are the following choices:
A. The team is undefeated.
B. The team is playing the state champions.
C. It is raining.
D. The game made the narrator a star.