From this paragraph what relationship can you infer between the jogger and the writer


Answer 1
It introduces the relationship between two variables and is called correlation. Proportionality or variation is state of relationship or correlation between two variables It has two types: direct variation or proportion which states both variables are positively correlation. It is when both the variables increase or decrease together. On the contrary, indirect variation or proportion indicates negative relationship or correlation. Elaborately, the opposite of what happens to direct variation. One increases with the other variables, you got it, decreases. This correlations are important to consider because you can determine and identify how two variables relates with one another. Notice x = y (direct), y=1/x (indirect)

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It is the oppression that they felt from being slaves or being Black.  Many of them hide their feelings of hate and anger behind fake smiles or “mask” from their tormentors.  Even after the Civil War, they still had to go through more trials as they were not treated equally as Whites.  In Sympathy, the caged bird’s injuries are caused by beating his wings on the cage where he tries to be free.  Both poems appeal to the public to see the injustice being done and begs them to do something about it.

What is the purpose of a literary analysis essay


As a high school student, I have found that the purpose of a literary analysis essay is to evaluate and try to comprehend what the author or the work itself is saying.

Final answer:

A literary analysis essay is meant to thoroughly investigate and interpret different aspects of a piece of literature. It involves a detailed study of the text, focusing on various components, and explaining how the author uses them to create meaning. The essay enhances understanding of the literary work and presents an interpretation backed by evidence from the text.


The purpose of a literary analysis essay is to thoroughly examine and interpret the various aspects of a piece of literature. This involves studying the text meticulously, focusing on its different components, and explaining how the author uses them to create meaning. Essentially, a literary analysis essay is a deep dive into elements like characterization, theme, tone, symbolism, and style, and how these components work together to deliver a particular impression or message.

For instance, when analyzing fiction or literary nonfiction, the essay may delve into areas such as plot development, setting, dialogue, or narrative voice. The analysis could also involve comparing and contrasting elements within the text, or even relating the text to its historical context or relevant current events. Ultimately, the goal of such an essay is to enhance understanding of the written work and to present an enlightening interpretation, supported by evidence drawn directly from the text itself.

It's crucial that each section of the essay ties back to the central thesis and contributes to a cohesive argument. The introduction, thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting paragraphs, and conclusion should all align with the thesis and provide substantial analysis. Proper organization and use of transitions help to ensure that your argument is clear and compelling.

Learn more about Literary Analysis Essay here:


Which of the following is a synonym for context, as it relates to poetry?Story


The synonym for context, as it relates to poetry is story. Story is the most important part of the poetry as it will give you the idea of what the poem is all about. Also, it will give you how the author depicts the feelings present in the poem.

C. origin

I took the test and got it right :)

Which word is an interjection commonly used in advertising


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I think the answer you are looking for is Persuade thats in every advertising because they aren't going to tell you a story they want you to buy or try out their product they are showing. 

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the person who works harder and longer to do better at their job so they can have money to provide for themslefs or family

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