Where is the Mitochondria located in a eukaryotic cell


Answer 1
Answer: Location of Mitochondria in a eukaryotic cell:
 throughout the cytoplasm, the cell poles or perinuclear predilections in moments of intense synthesis.
Answer 2
Answer: they are located at the  cytoplasm of cells 

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The cell mechanism of "active transport" involves the transport of insoluble chemicals across the membrane with protein acting as the carrier.


The above statement is FALSE.

Facilitated diffusion happens when large, insoluble membrane compounds are diffused for easy transportation. However, this transport does not require energy, therefore, it is a passive transport.

Active transport requires energy when moving molecules against a concentration agent. It requires for specific membrane transport proteins. Only a certain type of protein can move a certain type of substance.

The three main types of Active Transport are:
1) Sodium-Potassium Pump
2) Endocytosis
3) Exocytosis  


Short answer-False


When working muscle cells are deprived of oxygen they produce?


lactic acid

During intense exertion or activity involving the muscles, there arises a need for a sudden short term burst of energy. This need for energy is so demanding that it cannot be satisfied through the normal mechanism  whereby energy is supplied through aerobic respiration using oxygen.Therefore the muscle cells must rely on other mechanisms that do not rely on oxygen to fuel muscle contraction and this is where they resort to anaerobic respiration which uses pyruvate to play the role of oxygen as the final electron acceptor. In the process, pyruvate accepts an electron and is reduced to lactic acid in the muscle tissues.

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I have done the test and got the right answer here, and edited my answer so it's now correct. Sorry I had put the wrong answer before! But here is the right answer!


For most ecosystems, the ultimate source of energy is _____. a. plants
b. producers
c. the sun
d. water



The correct answer would be c. the sun.

The sun is the ultimate source of energy in any ecosystem.

The solar energy is converted into chemical energy with the help of autotrophs or producers through the process of photosynthesis.

The small portion of this energy is transferred to the next trophic level and by end of 3-4 trophic levels, the entire energy is lost as heat or cellular respiration.

Final answer:

The sun is the ultimate source of energy in most ecosystems. This energy is transformed by producers like plants into a usable form through photosynthesis. Water and plants also have important roles in this process.


In ecosystems, the ultimate source of energy is typically the sun. The energy from the sun is initially harnessed by producers, or autotrophs, such as plants, through the process of photosynthesis. These organisms convert light energy into chemical energy that can be used by other organisms. Water and plants also play crucial roles in ecosystems. Water is necessary for photosynthesis, and plants are vital for converting the sun's energy into a form that other organisms can utilize.

Learn more about Ecosystem Energy Source here:



The rare earth elements include A. the lanthanide series and the alkali metals.
B. the alkali metals and the transition metals.
C. the actinide series and the alkaline earth metals.
D. the lanthanide series and the actinide series.


I know that the  rare earth elements (rare earths) - a group of 17 elements consisting of lanthanum, scandium, yttrium and the lanthanides. All these elements - metals silver-white color, while all have similar chemical properties (most common in oxidation state +3). The name "rare earth" is defined in connection with the fact that they are, first, relatively rare in the crust (the content of (1.6-1.7) x 10-2% by weight) and, secondly, to form a refractory substantially water-insoluble oxides (oxides of these at the beginning of the XIX century and formerly known as "lands"). 

That is why the correct answer is D)

Answer: D. the lanthanide series and the actinide series.