What can a motif contribute to, or become, when it gathers larger significance throughout a text?


Answer 1
Answer: I believe a motif can contribute to, or become a theme when it gathers larger significance throughout a text. A theme is what you generally write about in a literary piece, so if you develop a metaphor further, it may come to denote a theme of a work.
Answer 2


B. a symbol


the plato answer :)

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Alternative Beginning:

In this alternative beginning to "To Kill a Mockingbird," the story opens with a different perspective, focusing on the childhood innocence and curiosity of Scout and Jem. The initial scenes depict their daily adventures and the idyllic nature of their small town, Maycomb. The racial tensions and injustices that are central to the original story are initially absent, allowing readers to fully immerse themselves in the children's world. The alternative beginning highlights the themes of innocence, friendship, and the loss of childhood innocence, which will be explored throughout the story.

The change in the beginning affects the course of the story by establishing a stronger contrast between the innocence of Scout and Jem and the harsh realities of racism and prejudice they will later encounter. This contrast intensifies the impact of the injustices they witness and the moral lessons they learn, as readers are given a glimpse into the purity of their childhood before it is shattered by the harsh realities of the adult world.

Alternative Ending:

In this alternative ending to "To Kill a Mockingbird," after the trial of Tom Robinson, the community of Maycomb undergoes a significant transformation. Rather than accepting the unjust verdict and maintaining the status quo, the townspeople are moved by Atticus's impassioned defense and the truth that was revealed during the trial. Inspired by Atticus's bravery, they come together to challenge the deeply ingrained racism in their community.

The alternative ending affects the course of the story by offering a more hopeful and optimistic resolution. Instead of leaving readers with a sense of resignation and despair, it highlights the potential for change and growth within society. By showing the townspeople's willingness to confront their own biases and work towards a more just and inclusive community, the alternative ending presents a path towards progress and reconciliation.

Overall, these alternative beginning and ending alter the tone and trajectory of "To Kill a Mockingbird." While the original story focuses on the inherent flaws in society and the loss of innocence, the alternative beginning and ending emphasize the potential for growth, change, and the power of collective action. These changes offer a more nuanced and hopeful perspective on the themes of racism, justice, and the capacity for individuals to make a difference in their communities.

The two major styles of essay writing are informal and humorous. True/False





The correct would be Informal and Formal.

An informal essay is normally utilized in a business setting to give synopses of exchanges, systems and occasions. Formal essays, though, are almost constantly utilized in scholastic research. The essential contrasts between these two types are the tone of the composition and the structure of the essay.  

This is False! The two major styles of essay writing are Informal and Formal!

When choosing which details to include in your narrative, it is important to


Take into account the following steps:

  • We must define what will be the action that we are going to narrate and decide which characters will intervene. You have to choose some characters that have a personality, a way of being and acting. You have to think about the relationship between the characters. They can be companions, rivals, very friends ...
  • You have to organize the story in parts: initial event or approach, reaction - action or knot and solution or outcome.
  • We must place the action in space and time. It is important to give concrete details so that the story seems real and interesting.
  • It is necessary to specify how the story will be told; which will be the position of the narrator (first or third person) and which verb tense will predominate in the narration (present or past).
Try to determine your audience and purpose or write about how you became aware of something, gained a new way of seeing the world, a new insight. I think.

Which additional word or words in the sentence should be capitalized? Say, mom, how many states are in the southwest, and is any other state in america bigger than texas? Choose all answers that are correct. A. Southwest B. State C. Mom D. America E. Texas


First, Mom should be capitalized because it is a name.
Southwest because it is a place. 
America because it is a Country.
And also Texas because it's a state.
Hope this helped :)

Is the example a complete sentence, sentence fragment, or run-on sentence? To notice in what ways our old neighborhood has changed.
a. run-on sentence
b. complete sentence
c. sentence fragment


The correct answer is C. Sentence fragment. This is because the sentence is syntactically such that it has no clear meaning, which is why it requires a context or a creation of a newer, more complex sentence. An example would be if we transformed it into "It took us a while to notice in what ways our old neighborhood has changed" or something similar.

Which best describes the conflict and resolution between Laocoön and the Trojans?


The conflict between Laocoon and the Trojans was that when the Trojans saw the Greek ships leaving, they thought the war was over.  When they saw the wooden horse, they thought it was a gift and wanted to bring it inside Troy.  Laocoon objected thinking it was a trick but the Trojans disregarded his warning.  Laocoon insisted but Athena had two serpents from the sea attack him and this enabled the Greeks to sneak in and conquer Troy.