Which word in the sentence is the direct object? Do many fishermen collect worms at night?a. night
b. fishermen
c. worms
d. many


Answer 1
Answer: C. worms. This is because it receives the action from the word "collect". Hope this helps. 

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What is one of the main purposes of science fiction?A.It evokes cultural awareness of historical events that humans could easily repeat. 
B.It allows authors the chance to set stories in interesting and exotic locations. 
C.It encourages readers to engage their imaginations, thus making them more creative in their daily lives. 
D.It explores the possible consequences of present human behavior.


Answer: D.It explores the possible consequences of present human behaviour.

One of the most important purposes of science fiction is to imagine what our future will look like if we maintain our present behaviour. This is important, as it encourages a deep reflection in society, and can often motivate us to change our ways. Some works that successfully achieve this goal are 1984, Harrison Bergeron and Brave New World.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light

Which statement best describes the effect of the repetition of "men” preceded by an adjective?

It reinforces the idea that all people, not just the speaker's father, should fight against death.

It emphasizes that all men, no matter what their lives have been like, should accept death when it comes.

It supports the speaker's idea of an eternal life after death for people of all walks of life.

It highlights the speaker's grief at being unable to come to his dying father's bedside.


It reinforces the idea that all people, not just the speaker's father, should fight against death.

The repeated lines "Rage, Rage against the dying of the light" and "Do not go gentle into that good night" demonstrate the speaker's that everyone should fight death. In these stanzas, he is explaining how all different types of men fight death. These lines tells us that option B is just wrong. Option D is also completely wrong because there is no mention of his inability to go to his father's bedside anywhere in the poem. There is also nothing about eternal life after death so Option C is incorrect as well.

It reinforces the idea that all people, not just the speaker's father, should fight against death.

Is the underlined clause independent or subordinate? My cousin Frank joined the Army so that he could learn new skills and serve his country.

Underlined Clause: My cousin Frank joined the Army




It's A. Independent because the other clause has the word "so"; Therefore, the first clause is not only subordinate clause but it's adverbial and asks "why?"




the correct answer is A

Match the name to the description.1. Polyphemus
Odysseus's mother
2. Lotus-eaters
companion of Odysseus who died at Circe's house
3. Cicones
Phaeacian prince
4. Scylla
King of Phaeacia
5. Elpenor
sea monster with six dog heads
6. Laodamas
friendly drug addicts
7. Tiresias
dead seer who tells Odysseus's future
8. Anticleia
enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus's ships
9. Alcinous


1. Polyphemus: Cyclops
2. lotus-eaters: friendly drug addicts
3. Cicones: enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus's ships
4. Scylla: sea monster with six dog heads
5. Elpenor: companion of Odysseus who died at Circe's house
6. Laodamas: Phaeacian prince
7. Tiresias: dead seer who tells Odysseus's future
8. Anticleia: Odysseus's mother
9. Alcinous: King of Phaecia
  1. Polyphemus: Cyclops; He tries to eat Odysseus and his crew soon after leaving troy and gets blind by him, he´s also one of Poseidon´s sons.
  2. Lotus-eaters: friendly drug addicts;  They were a race of people living on an island dominated by lotus plants, its flowers were the primarily food and its narcotics effects cause that the population slept peacefully.  
  3. Cicones: enemies who killed six men from each of Odysseus´s ships; They were a tribe who lived in Ismara on the south of Thrace. Odysseus and his crew took them for surprise at first and killed tha vast majority of the men but then reinforcement came and forced them to flee in their ships.
  4. Scylla: sea monster with six dog heads; It was a monster that lived on one side of a narrow channel of water.
  5. Elpenor: companion of Odysseus who died at Circe´s house; He was the youngest comrade of Odysseus crew , on Circe´s island he became drunk and climbed into the roof to sleep, when he awoke the next day fell off the stairs and broke his neck.
  6. Laodamas: Phaecian prince
  7. Tiresias: dead seer who tells Odysseus´s future; He showed him how to get back to Ithaca and also allowed him to comunicate with the soul in Hades.
  8. Anticleia: Odysseus´s mother; He met with her on his trip to the Hades and told him how his wife and son were.
  9. Alcinous: King of Phaecia; Offers Odysseus his hospitality and provides him safe passage back to Ithaca.


Reaching the gate, Odysseus and the forester halted and stood outside, for harp notes came
around them rippling on the air
as Phemios picked out a song. Odysseus
caught his companion's arm and said:
"My friend,
here is the beautiful place—who could mistake it?”

In this excerpt, the harp’s music is a symbol of Odysseus’s

Aatience and endurance.
B:long journey back home.
C:reunion with old colleagues.
D:happiness upon returning home.


This excerpt probably should have included the verse following it, which is "Here is Odysseus' hall, no hall like this!" So they are standing at the gate at the home of Odysseus.

He has in fact made a long journey home, so B could be correct. The journey did require patience and endurance, so A could be correct. But I would go with D, happiness upon returning home.

A reasonable argument could be made for all of the above. Symbolism can be subjective, and each reader may interpret things differently.

D:happiness upon returning home.

The gates Odysseus reaches are the ones to his home. He hears the harp as he stops his friend to revel in the sight of home. He even tells his friend "here is the beautiful place". While Odysseus did need patience and endurance for his long journey back home, at this point Odysseus is enjoyed the moment he has returned and nothing more. Also, he is priority is not reuniting with old colleagues. It is seeing his wife and son.

The crinkled leaves float in the air and twirl in a perfect circle, reminding me we are not alone.Which Romantic idea is most clearly shown here?



D. INTUITION is the Romantic idea that is most clearly shown in the statement "The crinkled leaves float in the air and twirl in a perfect circle, reminding me we are not alone."

Intuition is defined as a keen or quick insight that is not obtained by reason nor by perception. It is the faculty of knowing or understanding something (a fact) that is does not require proof or extensive reasoning. 

Which Romantic idea is most clearly shown here?D.Intuition

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