Can you help translate these in french! i don't understand the conjunction and how to do the right translation.Who is paying ?
My dog protects my family.
I’m trying to speak French.
Spell you first name please. (first name = prénom)
My family and I move a lot (souvent).
I’m cleaning my room.
My books weigh too much (trop).
Classes begin at 8 :00.
They are bringing their friends to the party.
We are traveling to France this summer. (en France – always use EN for countries that end in an –e.)
The teacher is repeating the verbs.
She is celebrating her birthday.
He is using a calculator.
My name is Marie.
All of you (vous) are calling back the teacher.
He is taking me to the restaurant.
We are sharing the icecream.
The waiter is wiping off the table.
We are announcing the score.
They are buying some notebooks.
What sport do you prefer ?
I hope that you are going to the café with us.
They are throwing the ball.
We eat in the cafeteria.
Put away your cellphone ! (was ranger in the packet ? ranger = to put away !! It is very commonly used today.)
I’m sending a postcard to my family.


Answer 1
Answer: Who is paying ? Qui paie ?

My dog protects my family. Mon chien protège ma famille.

I’m trying to speak French.
J'essaie de parler français.

Spell you first name please. (first name = prénom)
épelez votre prénom s'il vous plait.

My family and I move a lot (souvent).
Ma famille et moi bougeons souvent.

I’m cleaning my room.
Je nettoie ma chambre.

My books weigh too much (trop)
Mes livres pèsent trop lourds.

Classes begin at 8 :00.
Les cours commencent à 8:00 (huit heures)

They are bringing their friends to the party.
Ils amènent leurs amis à la fête.

We are traveling to France this summer. (en France – always use EN for countries that end in an –e.)
Cet été nous voyageons en France.

The teacher is repeating the verbs.
L'enseignant répète les verbes.

She is celebrating her birthday.
Elle célèbre son anniversaire.

He is using a calculator.
Il utilise une calculatrice.

My name is Marie.
Je m'appelle Marie.

All of you  are calling back the teacher.(Chacun d'entre vous est appelé par le professeur).

He is taking me to the restaurant.
Il m'emmène au restaurant.

We are sharing the icecream.
Nous partageons la crème glacée.

The waiter is wiping off the table.
Le serveur essuie la table.

We are announcing the score.
Nous annonçons le score.

They are buying some notebooks.
Ils achètent quelque cahier.

What sport do you prefer ?
Quel sport préféres-tu ?

I hope that you are going to the café with us.
J'espère que vous allez venir au café avec nous.

They are throwing the ball.
Ils jettent la balle.

We eat in the cafeteria.
Nous mangeons à la cafétaria.

Put away your cellphone ! (was ranger in the packet ? ranger = to put away !! It is very commonly used today.)
Ranger votre téléphone portable!

I’m sending a postcard to my family.
J'envoie une carte postale à ma famille.

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Translate these to simple frenchplease no translators

1. My father is going to work on Friday

2. Tennis

3. French

4. I will go roller skating tomorrow

5. Yes we will study on Monday



1. Mon père travaille le vendredi

2. 3.

4.j'irai faire du skate demain

5. oui, on étudiera lundi

Entoure l’auxiliaire des verbes conjugues au passe compose dans la pharse. puis entoure son infinitif.










From the options lettered A to D, choose the most appropriate
héros de l'historie mérite vraiment son nom.
a. La
d. Les
2. Le titre
film n'est pas bon
a la
b. de la
c de
d. du​





What do the following words French words mean in English:



Vaisselle=Dishes And inquiète=worry
What do the following words French words mean in English:
Vaisselle =dishes
Inquiète= worry

Exemple :
Je fais la vaisselle tous les jours.
Je suis inquiète car mon amie est malade.

How would I do these:Example: Nous faissons du velo (essayer,velo)
Nous essayons le vélo

Christine aime chanter. (repeter)


This exercise has to do with the right use of Spanish Verbs. The correct answer is:

Christine aime repeter. This means Christine likes to rehearse.

What is a verb?

A verb in Spanish is defined as a word that communicates an action, an activity, the quality of existence.

The focus of the exercise above is on the verb: repeter

Learn more about verbs at:


okay thats really easy


you shuld just take the verb "repeter" and convert it like chanter "

christine aime chanter

christine aime repeter

French 1b nice quiz. match teh words with the pictures. a. il neige.
b. il fait froid.
c. l'etoile
d. il fait du vent e. il fait chaud f. il fait du soleil g. il y a des nuages h. la lune i. la glace j. il pleut


In the matchup of  il fait du soleil, the picture is true while the words is false.  (See image attached.)

What i il fait du soleil?

il fait du soleil  means  It's sunny

Note that in the case above, the picture, clearly match up with the statement and as such, In the matchup of  il fait du soleil, the picture is true while the words is false.  (See image attached.)

Learn more about sun from


a. it snows
b. it is cold
c. the star
d. it is windy
e. it is hot
f. it is sunny
g. there are clouds
h. the moon
i. the ice
j. it rains

the picture isnt't linked, but if you have the pictures on hand then just match the pictures to the translated definitions