Who urged Congress to call for a convention to consider ways to improve the national government?a. George Washington
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Alexander Hamilton
d. John Adams


Answer 1
Answer: It was "Alexander Hamilton" who urged Congress to call for a convention to consider ways to improve the national government, since he was the primary author of the "Federalists Papers," which advocated for the ratification of the Constitution. 
Answer 2

the answer is c) Alexander Hamilton

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Azerbaijan experiences _________________ which make it very difficult to build oil pipelines.a. typhoons
c. volcanic eruptions
b. tornados
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The correct answer for this question is this one: "d. earthquakes." Azerbaijan experiences earthquakes which make it very difficult to build oil pipelines. Aside from the earthquakes, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan threatens to disrupt not only the oil production slated off Baku's shores, but the proposed pipeline route through the region.

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it caused severe economic consequences.

Final answer:

The Black Death was a global epidemic of bubonic plague in the 14th century that killed about 38 million people, significantly impacting European society.


The Black Death was a devastating global epidemic of bubonic plague that struck Europe and Asia in the 14th century. It is estimated to have killed about 38 million people, approximately one-third of Europe's population at the time. The disease was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which was likely spread by fleas living on black rats. The rapid spread and high mortality rate caused significant social, economic, and cultural changes in European society.

Learn more about Black Death here:



Read the draft of a body paragraph in an argumentative essay.Executive Order 9066 was a response to suspicion and prejudice. In the days following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, military commanders were concerned because most Japanese Americans lived on the West Coast, where many military installations were also located. As a result, nearly all Japanese Americans on the West Coast were relocated and interned. This was clearly unconstitutional.

How could the writer improve this draft?
a) by moving the first sentence to the end of the paragraph
b) by using fewer big words and making the sentences shorter
c) by adding evidence that suspicion and prejudice were involved
d) by creating another paragraph with evidence of unconstitutionality


Best answer:  

d) by creating another paragraph with evidence of unconstitutionality.

  • The first sentence begins the paragraph well, establishing the theme that will be explored in the essay.
  • The sentences are not overlong, and "big words" aren't really used.  Perhaps a word like "interned" might be considered a "big word" because it is not frequently used in everyday vocabulary. However, that term is a key term for the action taken against the Japanese Americans, and so needs to be used in this context.
  • Evidence that suspicion and prejudice were involved can be seen in the statement, "Military commanders were concerned because most Japanese Americans lived on the West Coast, where many military installations were also located."  That indicates that the commanders were acting on suspicion and prejudice that Japanese Americans would seek to sabotage or attack American military installations on behalf of the Japanese.
  • What is not included in the opening paragraph is evidence from the US Constitution that the actions against Japanese Americans were unconstitutional.  Providing such evidence might mean pointing to the 5th Amendment (part of the Bill of Rights), which says "No person shall be ... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law."



edge 2023

Which of the statement below best describe the political structure of the modern-day nation of Germany in the 1860s? A.) By the 1860s, the modern-day nation of Germany was finally unified under one German ruler. B.) It was a collection of some kingdoms, all under the supreme control of Austria. C.) The southern half was under the sole control of Austria, while the northern half was under the sole control of the papacy. D.) Several separate states were ruled by different governments, all part of an organization known as the German Confederation.


 D.) Several separate states were ruled by different governments, all part of an organization known as the German Confederation.

German national parties began to dominate during the period.

Which best explains why the Privileges and Immunities Clause forbids states from discriminating against citizens from other states? A.The Constitution intended for all Americans, regardless of location, to have the same rights. B.The Constitution intended for all Americans, regardless of skin color, to have the same rights. C. The Constitution intended for all states, regardless of location, to respect each other’s laws. D. The Constitution intended for all states, regardless of state laws, to respect enslaved persons.


  The Constitution intended for all Americans, regardless of location, to have the same rights. It would be A.