What are some non-examples of subatomic particles


Answer 1
Answer: Subatomic particles are smaller than an atom. Therefor, anything made of atoms is not subatomic. Examples of non subatomic particles are molecules and compounds.
Answer 2

Final answer:

Subatomic particles are particles smaller than an atom. Therefore, any element or matter larger than these particles such as molecules, compounds, or cells can be considered as non-examples.


The question asks for non-examples of subatomic particles, that is, elements that do not fall within the category of subatomic particles. Subatomic particles are particles smaller than an atom, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons. Therefore, any element or matter larger than an atom would be a non-example of a subatomic particle.

Examples of non-examples include molecules like water (H2O), oxygen (O2), or carbon dioxide (CO2). These are made up of multiple atoms and thus are larger than individual subatomic particles. Similarly, compounds like salt (NaCl) or sugar (C12H22O11) are also non-examples because they are made of multiple atoms as well. Cells, the basic structural units of living organisms, are much larger than subatomic particles and also represent non-examples.

Learn more about subatomic particles here:



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Correct Answer:

A. Abiotic environmental

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A crystalline solid has a well ordered structure. The particles that make up the solid are arranged in a regular repeating pattern. When the solid is heated, this structure gives way, in order words, the solid melts.

Pure solids crystals are known to have sharp melting points. This is a property of crystalline solids.

The statement about “Crystalline solids do not have a sharp melting point” is false. Crystalline solids are solids that have particles arranged in a regular, repeating patterns. They are held together by uniform intermolecular forces. The faces intersect at a specific angle that identifies that substance. They have distinctive internal structures that in turn lead to distinctive flat surfaces. These flat surfaces give a short rage order. When exposed to x – ray diffractometers, they exhibit a distinctive pattern used to identify the material. They give the same face when you turn a crystalline solid around


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A net worth: $79.0 billion.
Value of stock : $3.20 billion.
New net worth:
$79.0 + $3.20 = $82.20 billion = $82.20 * 10^9 = $8.20 * 10^10


$8.20 * 10^10
