To recycle resources you must


Answer 1
Answer: be able to reuse the resources you waste.
Answer 2
Answer: To resuse the things you all ready used

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You give an example kinda like a sentences with a very uneasy word to pronounce
hope this helps :)

^^^^^^ I agree with mimix2k.

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The answer is C.


I hope this helps!

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Inoculate is the only word that would fall within those parameters.

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an example is that a writer or poet can create sounds in their creation such as a poem
MOO!, SHRIEK! BAH! It's basically the written version of a sound

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comparative adjectives use "more" or end in -er.
superlative adjectives use "most" or end in -est.
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A hero can be many things. It can be someone who helps others or it someone who you look up to for whatever reason you do. Everyone's definitions of a hero is different because everyone has different ideas to what things can be. What makes someone a hero in your eyes could be different from what others see/think.

Some people break rules by doing good things so some see them as a hero while others see them as an outlaw.

Outlaws and heroes are created by us, we make them better seem better or worse than they actually are.