What is the definition of Bicameral?


Answer 1
Answer: Bicameral means that a government consists of two legislative branches, or assemblies which both have to agree on something.

An example of this would be the US Congress which consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

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Metacognition refers to


Metacognition is defined as"thinking about thinking” or can be “knowing about knowing”.  It higher pertains to high order thinkingallowing control and engagement in cognitive tasks and learning. It consents peopleto activities like organization, approaching a task, observing understandingand evaluation of progress on tasks. Some of this includes declarativeknowledge – the ability to know one's abilities, procedural knowledge conditionalknowledge by the usage of approaches in acquiring info.

Final answer:

Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.


Metacognition refers to the ability to think about and regulate one's own thinking processes. It involves being aware of one's own thoughts, knowledge, and understanding, and monitoring and controlling one's cognitive processes to enhance learning and problem-solving.

For example, a student using metacognition might ask themselves questions like 'Do I understand this concept?' or 'Am I studying effectively?'. By reflecting on their own thinking, students can identify areas where they might need to seek additional help or adjust their study strategies.

Metacognitive strategies can be useful across all subjects and grade levels as they help improve learning and critical thinking skills. By using metacognition, students can become more independent learners and better at evaluating their own progress and understanding.

Learn more about Metacognition here:



Write three possible topic sentences for each thesis.1.My country has some of the most beautiful sights you will ever see.

2. Computers can be convenient, but they have also made our lives more stressful.

3. You can see some unusual people on the bus.

4.Students whose native language is not English may face many problems that English

speakers do not encounter.

5. People go to shopping centers for many reasons.


 a. My country, [COUNTRY] is personally my favorite place.
 b. The country, [COUNTRY] is my favorite vacationing spot. 
 c. [COUNTRY] is one of the best places to live.

 a. There are many ups and downs to computers.
 b. Electronics have pros and cons.
 c. (Can't think of another one).

 a. I've learned about bus rides from my previous experiences.
 b. There may be awkward moments on bus rides.
 c. Sometimes, bus rides may be weird.

4. (Sorry, I do not have any. I think that thesis IS a topic sentence)

 a. I go to the mall a lot.
 b. What are malls for?
 c. (Couldn't think of anything else)

Whelp, hope this helped!

Which sentence has no errors in punctuation?A.
We just moved from Atlanta Georgia, to 2716 Hickory Blvd., Austin, Texas

We just moved from Atlanta, Georgia to 2716 Hickory Blvd. Austin, Texas.

We just moved from Atlanta, Georgia, to 2716 Hickory Blvd. Austin Texas.

We just moved from Atlanta, Georgia, to 2716 Hickory Blvd., Austin, Texas.


It is D.  There should always be a comma between a city and state, as well as after Georgia and after Blvd., because they are continuing with the sentence.

Its saying the answer is A. Im confused.

Well i talked to my teacher and he said it is D there was a mistake!

How does Malala connect with her audience's values in her section of repetition?


In her section of repetition, Malala connects with her audience's values by emphasizing the fundamental rights that people have fought for. By repeating phrases like "Their right to live in peace," "Their right to be treated with dignity," "Their right to equality of opportunity," and "Their right to be educated," Malala taps into universal values that resonate with her audience.

By highlighting these rights, Malala is appealing to the shared belief in justice, equality, and basic human dignity. She acknowledges the struggles that people have faced in fighting for these rights, and by doing so, she is able to connect with her audience on an emotional level.

Furthermore, the use of repetition creates a sense of rhythm and emphasis, drawing attention to these important rights and reinforcing their significance. This repetition also helps in making the message memorable and impactful, ensuring that the audience understands and internalizes the importance of these values. Overall, through the use of repetition and emphasizing fundamental rights, Malala effectively connects with her audience's values and inspires them to advocate for justice and equality.

Learn more about Fundamental Rights here:




She emphasizes their passion and determination for their rights and to be free


What is the connotative meaning of this line from Kurt Vonnegut's "Report on the Barnhouse Effect"? General Barker bustled about the house like a woman preparing Thanksgiving dinner for twenty.

1)General Barker was under the impression that the activity would be a waste of time.

2)General Barker was afraid the professor might use his powers against his country.

3)General Barker was worried about the speaker's presence in the room.

4)General Barker was in a hurry to get everything ready for the experiment.

5)General Barker was having doubts about the professor's abilities.


When you think about Thanksgiving cooking, typically you think of a rush to get everything done and to put all of the food onto the table so that everyone can eat. There is a tone of rushing and impatience being conveyed. Therefore, I would say that 4 is the most suitable answer. General Barker is clearly in a hurry and is under some stress. I hope this helps.

4)General Barker was in a hurry to get everything ready for the experiment.

The connotative meaning the secondary meaning of a sentence or word. In the original sentence, General Barker is not actually making Thanksgiving dinner for twenty people. However, he is undertaking a task just as difficult. Traditionally a Thanksgiving dinner has many dishes and requires a lot of time, preparation, and elements. This comparison is meant to show how General Barker's experiment has a lot of different elements and things that need to be ready at precisely the right time, so he is hurrying about to make sure everything is ready.

ANSWER ASAP PLEASE! Which is one way that Emily Dickinson's "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass" is different from Patricia Hubbell's "The Black Snake"? A. Hubbell's poem does not contain any figurative language. B. Hubbell's poem does not rhyme. C. Dickinson's poem contains no punctuation. D. Dickinson's poem never uses the word "snake."


D. Dickinson's poem never uses the word "snake".

Although it is clear that Emily Dickinson is talking about a snake, she never actually uses the word snake in the poem. The purpose of the poem is, in part, to conjure up the image of a snake, without explicitly stating it.

D is the correct answer!