Definite article for montañas


Answer 1
Answer: Las is the definite article for plural feminine nouns.
Answer 2
Answer: your answer is "las" since "montañas" is plural and feminine.

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B. The encomienda system gave missionaries control over American Indians on church missions.
C. The encomienda system established missions in Spanish colonial America.
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The correct answer is A. The encomienda was a group of Indians given to Spanish colonists. On the other hand, when a group of Indians were given to priests it was called a mission.

The answer is A i believe.....

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This means,You are patient.

I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate vocabulary in Spanish. Think about what you have learned so far. When you finish, record the sentences aloud. 1. The opposite of cierren is . 2. ¿Qué tienes que hacer hoy? — que estudiar. 3. The opposite of antes is . 4. Yo toco la . 5. Voy a la playa de vez en . 6. Yo (come) a clase todos los días. 7. Click = . 8. Escriban en la . 9. The teacher is telling the students to sit down: . 10. Yo (plan) traer galletas a la fiesta. II. Record your answers to the following questions with complete sentences in Spanish. When there are cues provided, use them in your answer. Make sure to write out your answers before recording them. 1. ¿Qué piensas hacer esta noche? (go to a party) 2. ¿A qué hora tienen Uds. que estudiar? (at 7 o'clock) 3. ¿Qué vas a traer a la fiesta? (games) 4. Tell a friend to read the correct answer. 5. Tell your friends to wake up. 6. ¿Con qué frecuencia estudias en la biblioteca? (often) 7. ¿A qué hora vienes a la escuela? (8 o'clock) 8. ¿Cuándo vas a bailar el tango? (now) 9. ¿Por qué vienen Uds. a la fiesta? (to sing and dance) 10. Tell your friends to take notes.


2.Hoy tengo que estudiar.
4. Yo toco la guitarra
5. Voy a la playa de en vez de quedarme en la casa.
6. Yo voy a clase todos los dias.
7. Cliqua =
8. Escriben en la pantalla.
9. La maestra esta diciendo a los estudiantes que se sienten.
10. Yo planeo traer galletas a la fiesta.

1. Esta noche, yo planeo a ir a una fiesta.
2. A las 7, tengo que estudiar.
3.Voy a traer juegos a la fiesta.
4. Yo le dije a un amigo que leyera mis respuestas.
5. Yo le dije a mis amigos que se despiertan.
6. Yo voy a la biblioteca para estudiar a menudo..
7.  Yo tengo que ir a la escuela a las 8.
8. Ahorita, voy a bailar el tango.
9. Viene a la fiesta para bailar y cantar.
10. Yo le dije a mis amigos que toman notas.

According to legend, who insulted the fleeing Moorish king?


According to legend, the person who insulted the fleeing Moorish king was his mother.

  • The Moors were the inhabitants of the Maghreb, Malta, and Sicily during the Middle Ages. They were Muslims.

  • The Moor's last sigh was a novel that was written by Salman Rushdie. It should be noted that one the story, the last king of Granada who was Boabdii gave up on the city and surrendered the city. This made his mother insulted him and said that he cried like a woman for a land that he could not protect.

Read related link on:

According to legend it was his mother

La grulla blanca (whooping crane) es un (1) de Norteamérica que está en peligro de (2) . Estas grullas viven en el Golfo de México y emigran (migrate) al sur de Canadá. Según (according to) algunas organizaciones (3) , la gran amenaza (threat) de la grulla blanca es la (4) . El gobierno federal (5) estas aves en parques naturales de Florida y Texas. Pero se teme que (6) demasiado tarde. Quizás queden muy pocas para evitar su (7) .



La grulla blanca (whooping crane) es un (1) ave de Norteamérica que está en peligro de (2) extinción. Estas grullas viven en el Golfo de México y emigran (migrate) al sur de Canadá. Según (according to) algunas organizaciones (3) ecologistas, la gran amenaza (threat) de la grulla blanca es la (4) deforestación. El gobierno federal (5) protege estas aves en parques naturales de Florida y Texas. Pero se teme que (6) sea demasiado tarde. Quizás queden muy pocas para evitar su (7)extinción.


The whooping crane is a bird from North America which is in danger of extinction. These cranes live in the Gulf of Mexico and migrate to the south of Canada. According to some ecologist organizations, their greatest threat is deforestation. The Federal Government protects these birds in natural parks of Florida and Texas. But it is feared that it is already too late. Maybe there are too few left to be able to avoid their extinction.

Answer: 1) ave

2) extinción


4) perdida de su hábitat.

5) coloco

6)ya se

7) desaparición.

Explanation: Hola, las palabras que faltan te las agregue arriba. Siempre leer primero el texto para poder completar los lugares faltantes, así tiene coherencia.

Hello, the missing words add them above. Always read the text first to complete the missing places, so it has consistency.

I hope I have helped you.

If an infinitive ends in -ar, -er, or -ir, which of the following is also an infinitive? *comer


Answer: I would probably say comer.

(Might be wrong though.)


This might be correct because comer is the only one that ends in -er.

The answer is comer only one that ends in er