Suppose a bill has passed both the House and the Senate. It goes to the president at the beginning of the annual session of Congress. The president doesn't sign the bill but holds it for more than 10 days. What happens to the bill? A. It has been vetoed. B. It becomes law only if two-thirds of the House and Senate vote for it. C. It becomes law. D. It cannot become law, but it has not been vetoed


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is B, It becomes law only if two-thirds of the House and Senate vote for it.
Answer 2

The answer is C. It becomes a law. The reason it becomes a law is because the President didnt sign it but he also didnt send it back to congress, meaning he might dislike the law but he doesnt want to fight it. B is the wrong answer because the bill never gets sent back to Congress to get voted on.

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What is the main idea in the Madison quote federalist paper #51


The main idea in Madison's federalist paper #51 is that checks and balances can and should be put in place in a federal government in order to keep any single branch from becoming too powerful. 

Madison's quote emphasizes checks and balances to prevent concentrated power, acknowledging human fallibility and the need for separation of powers.

The quote states, "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary."

Madison is highlighting the inherent fallibility of human beings and the need for a system that prevents any single branch of government from becoming too powerful.

He argues that a separation of powers, with each branch having distinct responsibilities and the ability to check the actions of the others, is crucial for maintaining liberty and preventing tyranny within a democratic government.

Thus, the main idea in James Madison's quote from Federalist Paper #51 is the concept of checks and balances within a government system to safeguard against the concentration of power.

Learn more about Madison's quote here: